Abstract—X-ray rocking curve measurement is a
nondestructive method for assessment of crystalline perfection.
However, The FWHM values can give only qualitative
information about the dislocation density. In this work
dislocation density has been estimated by measuring the rocking
curve widths (FWHM) on several symmetric and asymmetric
crystal planes. The dislocation density has been estimated using
Ayer’s model developed earlier for highly deformed metallic
crystals. This paper reports the dislocation density estimation on
the LEC grown GaAs single crystal wafer. The estimated
dislocation density results are compared with Etch pit density
measurements. It is shown that if a constant value of the
instrument broadening is taken the estimated dislocation density
values show discrepancy with the measured EPD values. By
taking the different value for the instrument broadening for each
reflection plane gives a consistent value of the dislocation density
and compares well with the EPD values determined on the same
Index Terms—Dislocation, GaAs, HRXRD, SEM
aAs wafer grown by Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski
(LEC) method are used as substrates for epitaxial growth
of several III-V material. These substrates are qualified prior
to the epitaxial growth for gross defect density. Dislocation
and point defects are the two most important defects types,
which often affect the material properties adversely. It is well
known that the defects in the substrates propagate through the
overgrowing epitaxial layer thereby deteriorating its quality
and suitability for any device fabrication. Also, the presence
of dislocations is usually associated with an enhanced rate of
impurity diffusion leading to the formation of diffusion pipes.
This effect translates into the introduction of trapping states in
the band gap, altering the etching properties of the wafer and
most importantly, altering the electrical properties of
thedevices. High dislocation densities have resulted in
lowering the breakdown voltage and raising the leakage
current in p-n junctions. It also changes the threshold voltage,
resistivity and drain source current in GaAs field effect
Manuscript received July 22, 2009. Akhilesh Pandey, Anshu Goyal, Ashok
Kumar Kapoor and R. Muralidharan, are with the Solid state Physics
laboratory, Lucknow Road, Delhi 110054, India, (corresponding auther
phone: 91-11-23903761; fax: 91-11-23903761; e-mail:
TEM and EPD are the two techniques to determine the
dislocation density but these two techniques are destructive in
nature. TEM provides the accurate measurement of
dislocation density in highly defected crystals because it
examines small crystal volume. Etch pits density (EPD)
Measurements are normally used to estimate the dislocation
density using etching solution suitable for a particular plane of
a given material. The method is destructive in nature and is
highly selective. X-ray topography is also used to determine
dislocation density for low (<103 cm-2) dislocation contents
[10]. Unambiguous non-destructive estimation of dislocation
density is therefore desirable.
In this paper we discuss the application of a model
developed by Horden and Averbach [2] and later modified by
Ayers [3] for the estimation of dislocation density using X-
ray rocking curve broadening (FWHM) and estimate the
dislocation density of a LEC grown GaAs single crystal. EPD
measurements were also carried out and results are compared
with the dislocation density estimated by X- rocking curve
broadening. It is shown that for small FWHM values if one
assumes a constant value for the instrument broadening for all
the reflections, the estimated dislocation density values does
not correlate to the experimental values. We show that for
unambiguous estimation of dislocation density one should
take into account the variation in the instrument broadening
corresponding to each reflection.
GaAs bulk single crystal wafers were studied by X-Ray
rocking curve and EPD measurement. The material studied in
this work was grown by Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski
(LEC) method. A (001) oriented GaAs wafer was taken for
the dislocation analysis.
The X-ray rocking curve measurements were carried out
using the Phillips X-Pert Pro MRD HRXRD system. In this
system incident X-ray beam falls on the 4 bounce 4-crystal Ge
(220) Bertels monochro-collimeter, which limits the angular
divergence of the monochromater is 12arc-s. All measured
reflections were optimized for maximum intensity and
symmetric shape by ψ (rotation), φ (azimuth) and ω (rocking
angle). X-Rocking curve measurements symmetric and
asymmetric (by grazing exit geometry) planes of GaAs wafer
were recorded.
The chemical defect etching of the GaAs wafer was
Estimation of Dislocation Density by X-ray
Rocking Curve Analysis and Etch Pit Method
Akhilesh Pandey, Anshu Goyal, Ashok Kumar Kapoor and R. Muralidharan