Entanglement of particles requires that particles have strong interaction in a sufficient manner and
time to be not separable, so to be mathematically described with a unique wave function. Then it
becomes impossible to describe only one particle without the other one, the only way is to describe
the complete system of both particles, even particles that are separated by a very long range, beyond
the authorized value of light speed communication in case of interactions with both particles in a
very short interval of time. Entangled particles have been observed, up to now, only via spin or
polarization, but some experimental researches are being done to find out other way to
More often, for one single particle, we can observe non-local behavior, for example in a Mach-
Zehnder interferometer, except if we try to directly determine “where the particle is” with an
external measurement process. In that case the wave function collapse and particle is observed as a
small volume of matter, a classical particle described by classical mechanics.
Bohm has tried to explain the non-local behavior of a particle as a direct consequence from what he
called “the quantum potential”
. For Bohm, this quantum potential is an overall property of the
universe. For him quantum potential is the “one wave function” of the complete universe. Then if a
particle “knows” the global description of the interferometer before go to in, it is because quantum
potential contents all information about it. That’s for Bohm the explanation of non-locality. More, he
explains that if one tries to realize interferences with a beam of single particle, one by one, he will
still observe it because the particle will be accompanied by a special stationary wave, “the pilot
wave”, discovered by de Broglie
, able to guide each particle to the right position to produce
interference figures. Stationary matter wave discovered by de Broglie has a wave length given by
, where m is the mass of particle and its speed measured in an inertial frame. It
is constituted by two waves, one delayed and one advanced, this one, quite strange, could be
explained in Bohm theory as coming from the global wave function of universe. We see that wave
length is proportional with the reverse of mass, then for macroscopic objects, the wave length will be
too small, so unmeasurable. Thus macroscopic world can be described using continuous classical
mechanics and relativity.
We have now to look at the origin of this global wave function. At the origin of universe a Big-Bang
was happening. According with the cosmological standard model, the universe at the beginning was
very small: physicists estimate his diameter was about 10
meter. From time about 10
seconds to
seconds, there was an inflationist period meanwhile the universe was growing by a factor higher
than 10
. During the inflation period, all existing particles were generated from the vacuum, in a
very small volume, under the effect of a scalar file, the inflaton. Thus all particles of the universe, at
this time, had interactions strong enough to build up a global entanglement system and then a global
universe wave function. That one has been defined by Bohm as the quantum potential, the global
wave function of universe. Then, if all particles of universe can be described by a global wave
function, which is a superposition of all individual states of particles, world should be non-local few
times after universe’s birth. But an important question is pending: how come this global wave
function can still exist after a so long time?