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A Tubular-Generator Drive For Wave Energy Conversion

A Tubular-Generator Drive For
Wave Energy Conversion
Vincenzo Delli Colli, Piergiacomo Cancelliere, Member, IEEE, Fabrizio Marignetti, Member, IEEE,
Roberto Di Stefano, and Maurizio Scarano, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper illustrates the operation of a tubularmachine drive as a linear generator for a heave-buoy wave energy
conversion. Linear generators, which are adopted in marine power
plants, offer the advantage of generating without introducing any
conversion crank gear or hydraulic system. The use of a tubularmachine topology allows the electromagnetic thrust density to be
improved. This paper briefly summarizes the principles of marine
wave buoy interaction and reports the design analysis and control
of a permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous tubular linear machine
based on a scaled generator prototype and on a rotating simulation
test bench.
Index Terms—Heave buoy, linear synchronous generators,
marine energy, tubular generators.
HE USE of a tubular machine as a linear generator for a
heave-buoy wave energy conversion in order to improve
the force density N/m3 that can be attained is proposed in
this paper.
Linear machines are increasingly used today as generators.
In fact, some energy sources and especially marine ones exhibit
an alternating motion. One of the most promising renewable
energy sources characterized by a reciprocating motion is represented by tide and wave marine energy [1]–[4].
Linear generators are suitable for direct-drive applications,
since they permit a reduction in the number of subsequent
energy transformation steps. Coupling an electrical generator
directly with the reciprocating energy source also permits the
reduction of moving parts and simplifies the system. The overall
efficiency is thereby enhanced.
Different electrical-machine topologies have been proposed
in literature to be utilized as direct-drive linear generators [5].
One encouraging way to convert an alternating mechanical
energy into an electrical energy by means of a direct drive is
to use a linear tubular synchronous permanent-magnet (PM)
generator. The force-to-weight ratio of such machines has been
proved to be higher than the flat linear topology [6].
Section II summarizes the basic principles of the heavebuoy mechanics, whereas, Section III outlines the design of
the proposed tubular generator and presents the results of the
finite-element analysis (FEA) together with the experimental
validation. Section IV presents the optimal buoy control, which
Manuscript received March 29, 2005; revised June 28, 2005. Abstract
published on the Internet May 18, 2006.
The authors are with the Department of Automation (DAEIMI), Faculty of Engineering, University of Cassino, 03043 Cassino, Italy (email:
[email protected]).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2006.878318
Fig. 1.
Semisubmerged sphere as marine wave energy converter.
allows the sea-to-buoy power transfer to be maximized, and
Section V discusses the drive control used to perform the
electromechanical and ac/dc conversion control. Finally, Section VI presents the test facility, and Section VII gives the
results of the experiments on mechanical to dc power conversion obtained by means of a tubular prototype as well as the
results of the wave conversion obtained by a rotating simulation
test bench.
In this paper, a simple heave-buoy system is considered as
a wave energy converter (WEC). There are many shapes for
the buoy as a WEC: a sphere-shaped buoy is considered in
the following. Generally, buoy WECs can be displaced in any
direction when an incident wave occurs; in this formulation, the
buoy WEC is restricted to oscillate in the heave mode only, as
shown schematically in Fig. 1.
The equation of motion for a simple heaving-buoy device is
z = Fe + Fr + Fb + Fv + Ff + Fu
where M is the mass of the buoy, Fe is the excitation force
due to the incident wave on the buoy, Fr is the radiated force,
Fb is the hydrostatic buoyancy force, Fv and Ff represent
unavoidable viscous and friction effects, respectively, and Fu is
an outside force that could be externally imposed. The z heave
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coordinate represents the displacement of the center of gravity
of the sphere in the frame of the calm free-water surface.
The radiated force term Fr represents the forces acting on the
buoy, which are due to the wave that is radiated as a result of
the buoy’s oscillation. Fr consists of an additional mass of the
buoy plus a dissipative term [7].
Fr = −mr (ω)
(z − x) − Rr (ω) (z − x).
Fig. 2. Stainless-steel tube with the magnets and the iron pieces.
The coordinate x is the displacement of the free-water surface when an incident wave occurs in the frame of the calm
free-water surface.
The hydrostatic buoyancy force Fb takes into account the
equilibrium between the weight force and the Archimedes force
and is generally indicated as follows [7]:
Fb = −Sb (z − x)
where Sb is the buoyancy stiffness, in which considering small
excursions |z − x| a, is equal to [7]
Sb = πρga2
for a semisubmerged sphere of radius a and mass M =
(2/3)πρa3 . In (4), ρ is the density of the sea water, and g is
the acceleration of gravity. The last added term in (1) takes into
account the viscous and friction effects and can be written as
Fv + Ff = −(Rv + Rf )
(z − x) = −Rl (z − x).
A. Design Basics
Tubular linear machines (TLM) comprise a stator and a translator, the former being made out of a series of cylindrical metal
discs machines in order to accommodate the coils and furnish
with the necessary hole for the sliding of the translator. The
magnets and the steel back iron are canned inside a stainlesssteel sleeve, as shown in Fig. 2.
Generally, the stator is not laminated: A transverse lamination would reduce the eddy-current losses, but it would increase
the effective air gap and the cogging force of the machine if this
is a PM one.
Analytical models of the tubular machines were provided
by Marignetti and Scarano in [8], Bianchi et al. in [9], and
Zhu et al. in [10]. All the models show that, in terms of electromagnetic thrust density, buried PM machines perform better
than their surface-mounted counterparts. A general formula for
achieving the thrust per pole Ti in a tubular buried-magnet
machine has been is given in [8]
Ti = 2πRBr nc i np 2δ
k σ0
2 σm K
where R is the bore internal radius, Br is the remanence of the
magnets, nc is the number of turns per slot, np is the number of
slots per pole energized at the same time, k is the ratio between
Fig. 3. Force-per-slot plot as a function of the air gap and the magnets’ length
k normalized in relation to the pole pitch.
the length of the magnets and the pole pitch, δ is the minimum
air gap, σ0 is the air-gap surface, σm is the cross-sectional area
of the magnets, and K is a coefficient derived from the finiteelement method (FEM) analysis to take the leakage fluxes into
Supposing R to be unity, for a three-phase machine with a
trapezoidal electromotive force (EMF) and one slot per pole
and per phase, (6) can be used in order to yield the force-perslot plot as a function of the air gap and the magnet length
normalized in relation to the pole pitch. Fig. 3 refers to a slot
current of 1-A turn and three slots per pole. A design can be
considered as being optimal when the length of the magnets is
such that the thrust per slot yields a maximum. This happens
in general when the length of the magnets is one third of the
pole-pitch length for a one-slot-per-phase machine.
B. Actual Construction
The windings were wound on a plastic spool utilizing H
thermal class enameled copper wire with a cross section of
1 mm2 . The number of turns per coil is 126. The main electrical
and geometrical data of the machine are listed in Table I.
The application of (6) to the machine above yields a total
thrust of 208 N at a rated current, which was experimentally
verified. The design of the tubular linear machines was verified
by means of the FEM simulations, which were carried out in an
axial symmetry mode, since the structure presents a rotational
symmetry around the central axis.
In order to compute the direct- and quadrature-axis inductance of the tubular motor, several FEM simulations were
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Fig. 5. Magnetic flux density along a double pole pitch with the translator
aligned on the stator d-axis.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 4. Magnetic flux density along a double pole pitch with the translator
aligned on the stator q-axis.
performed, considering different values of a current density
and in different positions of the translator. More simulations
were carried out with active magnets and currents in order
to visualize the magnetic field in the air gap when the flux
sustained by the magnet is aligned with both the q-axis and the
d-axis. Fig. 4 shows the magnetic field in the air gap with the
translator in position d. Fig. 5 shows the magnetic field with
the translator in position q.
Using an integration tool [11], first, the flux was calculated,
then the inductances on the d- and q-axes were computed. The
results are listed in Table II.
The inductance was also experimentally measured using a
methodology based on the current response to a sinusoidal
voltage on the d- and q-axes of the machine. This methodology
is described in [12] and [13]. It can be noticed that the value
Linear tubular machine prototype.
calculated by means of the FEM method and the experimentally
measured ones (see the values of Table I) are quite comparable.
Fig. 6 shows the linear tubular-machine prototype.
In all electrical machines, roughly forces grow linearly
with the volume. The weight of the translator increases at
the same rate. The machine used in this paper was designed
and built to be cooled by a natural air convection. The force
density of an air-cooled linear tubular machine is in the range
of 1.6 × 105 N/m3 (for slot-less tubular SPM machines) to
2.4 × 105 N/m3 (for slotted tubular IPM machines) [9]. The
amplitude of the force in a typical 100-kW wave buoy converter
is in the order of 100 kN [18], which results into a generator
of volume ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 m3 , which means that the
generator weighs about 3 to 4 tons.
However, it must be considered that the thermal exchange in
submerged electrical devices is facilitated, hence, their power
density can be further improved.
The WEC considered is a sphere that is semisubmerged in its
equilibrium position. As soon as an incident wave occurs, the
sphere starts moving in the heave direction, and also a relative
movement between the sphere and the free-water surface of the
wave begins.
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An incident wave of the height Hs = 2 A and the angular
frequency ω produces a heave displacement of the free-water
surface equal to
x(t) = A sin(ωt).
Taking into account equations (2)÷(5), the dynamic (1) for a
buoy restricted to oscillating in the heave mode only becomes
(M + mr (ω)) 2 z + (Rr (ω) + Rl ) z + Sb z = Fe + Fu
where the excitation force includes the following terms
Fe = Sb x + (Rr (ω) + Rl )
x + (M + mr (ω)) 2 x. (9)
In terms of complex amplitudes, (8) may be written as
−ω [M + mr (ω)] + iω [Rr (ω) + Rl ] + Sb ẑ = F̂e + F̂u
where the superscript ∧ indicates the phasors of the quantities.
The introduction of the mechanical impedance [7]
Żm (ω) = Rr (ω) + Rl + i ω (m(ω) + M ) −
modifies the complex (9) into
Żm (ω)û = F̂e + F̂u
where û is the phasor of the speed of the oscillating buoy ( i.e.,
u(t) = d/dtz(t)).
According to the theory on the converted power energy
from a heave-buoy system [7], the maximum useful power is
obtained when the external force Fu satisfies the following
F̂u = −Żm
where the symbol “∗” denotes the complex-conjugate quantity.
This optimum condition is reported in the literature as a reactive
control or complex-conjugate control and was experimentally
tested for sinusoidal waves [14]. Condition (13) implies that
the optimal load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate
of the intrinsic impedance. As remarked in [7], due to the need
for involving a mechanical reactive power in order to achieve
the optimum condition, the load and control machinery, which
supplies the load force Fu , should be capable of returning some
energy to the buoy during part of the oscillation cycle.
The external force Fu will be the electromagnetic thrust of
the linear tubular generator. The reference signal for the linear
direct drive will be represented by the optimal Fu expressed
by (13).
A voltage-source converter (VSC) connects the TLM to a
dc source. The dynamic electrical model of the generator in
the synchronous reference frame is described by the following
vd = − R · id −
+ v.t ·
· ψq
vq = − R · iq −
− vt ·
· ψd
ψd = Ld · id − ψP M
ψq = Lq · iq
F =
3 π
· [id · iq · (Ld − Lq ) − ψP M · iq ] .
2 τp
In (14) vt represents the linear speed of the TLM generator,
coinciding with the speed of the buoy; τp is the pole pitch, and
ψP M is the flux due to PMs.
The previous section shows how the desired force depends
on the speed and other wave parameters. Here, it can be treated
as an exogenous reference.
Considering the speed and the PM flux to be known, the
model is a system of five linear differential equations with the
following unknowns Id , Iq , Ψd , Ψq , vd , and vq .
In order to make the system solvable, one needs to add an
additional equation, namely, the generator control algorithm. A
possible choice for this equation is based on the control of the
phase currents tracking the phase angles of the generated EMF
profile [15] and is also termed field-oriented control (FOC). In
a constant flux operation, the FOC implies that the direct axis
current be zero
d = 0.
The thrust output by the optimal complex-conjugate control
of the wave buoy (10) represents the LTM reference force,
hence, the quadrature current becomes
q =−3
τp ψP M
The adopted strategy commonly uses two proportional plus
integral (PI) regulators in the synchronous reference frame to
control the currents.
The control scheme requires the EMF as a function of the
position of the translator to be known, in this case, only the
angle of the magnet flux vector in a fixed frame; a linear encoder
was therefore used.
There are many ways to implement current regulators, and
the easiest of these is to use a hysteresis band controller.
These however generate an inconstant-switching frequency
that causes a nonoptimal thermal exploitation of the powerswitching devices. This algorithm works very well with low
EMFs, but with higher EMFs, the current controller will saturate in part of the cycle, and fundamental frequency related harmonics will appear. In this condition, the fundamental current
will be less, and its phase will lag in relation to the command
current [16].
Brooking et al. [17] used an approach based on the proportional regulators in a fixed frame. PI controllers can be used
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Fig. 7. Control algorithm block scheme.
Fig. 8. Test bench A: tubular generator connected to an external PMSM drive.
to track a current command, and three similar controllers can
be implemented, one for each phase. This is a simple control
method, but there are a number of problems: Due to the limited
bandwidth of the control system, the actual current will have
a phase lag and magnitude error, which will increase with
frequency. The ripple affecting the generated voltage command
may cause undue zero crossings in the modulation [16]. Instead,
two PI regulators are used in the synchronous reference frame
to control the currents.
The control block scheme using the EMF phase reconstruction is reported in Fig. 7.
A test facility comprising two separate test benches was
set up in the “Giovanni D’Angelo” Laboratory of Industrial
Electronics at Cassino University:
1) test bench A based on the tubular-generator prototype
(Subsection A);
2) test bench B based on a rotating heave-buoy simulator
(Subsection B).
A. Test Bench A Based on the Tubular-Generator Prototype
Test bench A is designed to test the generating capabilities of
the tubular generator of Section III with the FOC of Section V
regardless of the buoy mechanics. Test bench A is illustrated
in Fig. 8.
B. Test Bench B Based on a Rotating Heave-Buoy Simulator
Test bench B intends to test the control laws of Sections IV
and V, taking into account the buoy mechanics of Section II
and some of the actual characteristics of the drive. This bench
is based on a rotating unit composed of a PM synchronous
generator replacing the tubular generator, and a PM synchronous motor (PMSM) drive controlled in order to track in real
Fig. 9.
Test bench B: Block scheme.
time the dynamics of a WEC buoy. The unit operates with a
tangential speed 2.6 times the linear speed of such a WEC
and with a torque 1/20 000 times the force of the WEC. The
test facility combines the real-time simulation, hardware-inthe-loop simulation, and actual motor drive to achieve the
computation and actuation of the wheel dynamic in real time.
Test bench B consists of the following items as shown also in
the block scheme of Fig. 9.
Items under test (on the left of Fig. 9):
1) control hardware;
2) dc/ac power converter;
3) PM generator.
Buoy real-time simulator (on the right of Fig. 9):
1) control hardware for the real-time computation of the
buoy dynamic;
2) power inverter;
3) PMSM.
This facility can impose, in reduced force scale and slightly
augmented speed scale, arbitrary dynamic buoy parameters and
can modify the “sea conditions” when running. The simulator
imposes on the PMSM the speed foreseen by the buoy equations. Because of its torque and bandwidth performances, the
simulator is capable of imposing the axle speed in any type of
operating conditions considered.
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Fig. 13. TLM power transferred to the dc link.
Fig. 10. TLM EMF.
Fig. 11. TLM generated currents.
Fig. 12. TLM active power generated (line above, W) and reactive (line below,
VA) power generated.
A. Experimental Results for the Tubular-Generator Prototype
of Section III
Test bench A allows both the electromechanical and ac/dc
conversion capabilities of the tubular prototype to be verified.
Experiments were carried out including the actual control of
the VSC and considering a reciprocating energy source that
imposes an alternating movement of the translator with a maximum speed of 1 m/s. The latest test condition approximates
the actual buoy motion. The control algorithm sketched in
Fig. 7 reads the machine EMFs phase tabled as a function of
the position of the translator, i.e., a linear encoder senses the
The quadrature reference current was imposed at the constant
level of 2 A. The modulation frequency of the VSC is 20 kHz.
The rated dc-link voltage is 70 V. Figs. 10 and 11 show the
EMFs and the generator currents, respectively.
Fig. 12 shows the active and reactive power through the
terminals of the generator; the power transferred to the dc link
is shown in Fig. 13.
The current of Fig. 11 has a good shape and a correct phase
relationship with the EMFs of Fig. 12, notwithstanding the
Fig. 14. Current in the first phase of the generator (actual scale).
trapezoidal shape of the latter ones. This fact leads to a correct
power transfer as shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The data reveal
that the system ceases to transfer the power when the translator
speed is lower than a given threshold.
B. Experimental Results of the Control System Test of
Sections II, IV, V
The results obtained on the Test Bench B validate the control
system test of Sections II, IV, V. The generator is controlled
by the FOC algorithm of Fig. 7, which reads the magnets
position by means of an incremental encoder, and it chooses
consequently the current phase, while its magnitude is dictated
by (16), rewritten for the rotating case. The motor of Fig. 9
emulates the action of the buoy on the generator by means of
a real-time simulation of (1). The parameters of the simulated
buoy are reported in Table III. The modulation frequency of
the VSC is 20 kHz as well as the control update rate. The data
collected cover a wave period in steady-state conditions. The
dc-link voltage is 48 V. Fig. 14 reports one of the generator
phase currents in the actual scale. Fig. 15 shows the force
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Fig. 15. Force developed by the generator on the buoy (simulated scale).
Fig. 18. Position of free water (dotted) and buoy in relation to the calm free
water (simulated scale).
Fig. 16. Speed of the buoy in relation to the seabed u (simulated scale).
Fig. 17. Force developed by the wave on the buoy (simulated scale).
developed by the generator on the buoy in a simulated scale.
Fig. 16 shows the speed of the buoy in relation to the seabed
in the simulated scale. Fig. 17 reports the force developed
by the wave on the buoy in the simulated scale. The phase
relationship between the last two quantities reveals whether the
optimum power transfer has been attained [7]. Fig. 18 reports
the positions of the free water (dotted) and of the buoy in
relation to the calm free water in the simulated scale, proving
that the small excursions hypothesis of Section II has been
Table III reports the measured powers of the different energyconversion sections. The first value reported is the sea power
PSea , then the mechanical power transferred from the buoy
to the electrical machine PBuoy . Pac represents the power
converted by the electrical machine, while Pdc is the power
rectified by the converter into the dc side. Table IV lists the evaluated efficiencies of the energy-conversion sections ηSea/Buoy ,
ηBuoy/ac , and ηac/dc , adding together the overall conversion
efficiency ηT ot . Finally, Table V summarizes the real-timesimulated buoy and wave parameters of the test bench B.
A first scaled PM linear generator for the marine wave
energy direct-drive conversion was designed and built. This
paper presents the principle of the power transmission from
the wave to the buoy and outlines a control approach intended
to maximize both the wave-buoy and ac/dc power transfer
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resulting in an optimal overall conversion performance. The
experimental results obtained in the laboratory environment
show that both the generator and the control algorithm follow
the predicted performances. Since the test bench B takes into
account the sea condition, further investigations will involve the
analysis of the complex-conjugate control under real sea-wave
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Vincenzo Delli Colli was born in Cassino, Italy, in
1970. He received the Laurea degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Cassino, Cassino,
Italy, in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in conversion
of electrical energy from the Second University of
Naples, Naples, Italy, in 2000.
Since 2001, he has been a Research Assistant
with the Electrical Machine Group of the University
of Cassino. His main research interests are currentsource and resonant converters.
Piergiacomo Cancelliere (M’03) received the Laurea degree in electrical engineering from the Faculty
of Engineering, University of Cassino, Cassino, Italy,
in 1998.
From May 1998 to January 1999, he was with
REEL S.r.l. Power Electronic Devices, Vicenza,
Italy, where he was engaged in research and development of power electronic drives and electrical
motors. In January 1999, he joined ABB SACE,
Frosinone, Italy, where he worked in the Automation
Department as a Designer of automated production
lines. He is currently a Research Assistant in Electrical Machines and Drives
with the University of Cassino. His research interests are in design, control, and
applications of special electrical machines and in power electronic converters.
Mr. Cancelliere is a Registered Engineer in Italy.
Fabrizio Marignetti (M’01) received the Laurea
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples
“Federico II,” Naples, Italy, in 1993 and 1998, respectively.
Since December 1998, he has been with the Department of Automation of the University of Cassino,
Cassino, Italy, as an Assistant Professor of electrical machines and electrical drives. His research
interests are in the field of electromechanical design
and control of special electrical machines, especially
brushless axial-flux machines, tubular actuators, linear motors, transverse-flux
machines, millimachines, and micromachines and induction motors with a
particular interest in drives applications.
Roberto Di Stefano received the Laurea degree in
electrotechnical engineering from the University of
Naples, Naples, Italy.
From 1993 to 1997, he was with the research
group of electrical machines and converters at the
University of Naples. In 1996, he joined the research
group of electrical machine and drives at the University of Cassino, Cassino, Italy. Since 1996, he
has been the Director of the Industrial Electronics
Laboratory at the University of Cassino. Since December 2004, he has been an Associate Professor of
Power Electronics and Drives. His research interests are in the fields of power
electronics inverters and electrical machines.
Maurizio Scarano (M’00) graduated in electrotechnical engineering from the University of Naples
“Federico II,” Naples, Italy, in 1979.
From 1983 to 1992, he was a University Researcher of electrotechnics with the University of
Naples “Federico II,” mainly involved in research
about mathematical modeling of electromagnetic actuators, and was also an Assistant Professor of electrical machines at the University of Cassino, Cassino,
Italy. From 1992 to 1999, he was an Associate Professor of electrical machines with the University of
Cassino. Since November 1999, he has been a Full Professor of electrical
machines. From 1992 to 1999, he was a Scientific Coordinator with the
Industrial Electronic Laboratory of the University of Cassino. He has been a
Scientific Coordinator of several research contracts with public associations and
industrial enterprises in the field of electrical drives. Since 2001, he has been
a Director with the Department of Automation, Electromagnetism, Computer
Science and Mathematics, University of Cassino. In the last several years, he
has specialized his scientific production in the field of nontraditional actuators
(linear machines, transverse-flux machines, micromachines) both by developing novel machine configurations and proposing original mathematical analysis
algorithms. His experimental activity is often devoted to the design and construction of these actuators. The feeding and control of the machines built were
performed carrying out proper electronic technologies. He has authored about
160 papers and notes in the field of electrical machines and drives.
Prof. Scarano has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Research
Consortium of Energy and Technologic Application of Electromagnetism
(CREATE) since 1996.
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