Telechargé par Catherine Guimard-Payen

NeurosciencesFinal pdf

Why do I feel so tired during this
personal development course?
Learn it - Neurosciences 101 ;)
Insights from the founder of Spiritual Online Business Academy
Cat Guimard-Payen BSc, MSc, DEA.
Neuroscience 101
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Introduction. ..........................................................................................5
Why nothing can stop you from living a full life. .................................7
Functioning of the Brain 101- ...............................................................9
The Reptilian Brain ...............................................................................9
1.i Understanding the reptilian brain’s functions. ........................................................................................11
The 5 basic functions of the reptilian brain. ................................................................................................12
1.ii Understanding how to calm the reptilian brain......................................................................................15
Linking the reptilian brain to the limbic one. ..............................................................................................18
The Nervous System (N.S.).................................................................21
Synapse .......................................................................................................................................33
The Neurology of Thought Processes 101. .........................................41
Mindseeds - Planting new beliefs........................................................43
Quantum Physics 101 ..........................................................................49
Water and Words .................................................................................51
Dr Emoto’s experiments ..............................................................................................................................51
Frozen water’s properties .............................................................................................................51
Dr Emoto’s experiment with water...............................................................................................54
Why choose Mentors/Coaches…? .....................................................58
The coach then? ...........................................................................................................................................59
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List of Figures
Credit ......................................................................................6
Fig. 1 Video 🦄 💕 🤔 🙏 🐳 🌸 🌵 SELF ESTEEM 🦄 💕 🤔 🙏 🐳 🌸 🌵 (click
here 🦄 to watch) .............................................................................................8
Fig 2. Diagram showing the Triune Brain Model. ...............................................9
Fig 3. The anatomy of the nervous system. .....................................................21
Fig. 4 Diagram of involuntary Nervous Systems (A.N.S.)..............................24
Fig 5. Diagram of a Nerve cell. .........................................................................25
Fig 5B Image of a Nerve cell ...........................................................................26
Fig 6. Diagram showing different structures of neurones. ..............................26
Fig. 7 Images of a nerve cell with many dendrites firing off at once. ................27
Fig 8. Diagram showing the myelin sheath speeding up the nerve impulse. .....28
Fig. 9. Image of two different neurones types .................................................29
Fig 10. Image of myelin sheath creation. .........................................................30
Fig 11. Image & diagram of a glial cell creating myelin sheath. ............................31
Fig 11B. Diagram of a glial cell creating myelin sheath. ......................................31
Fig 12 & fig 13. Image of oligodendrocyte. ........................................................32
Fig. 14. Image of a Synapse ............................................................................33
Fig. 15 Diagram of a synapse with neurotransmitter........................................34
Fig. 16. Image of a synapse and neurotransmitters .........................................34
Fig. 17. Image showing an electrical synapse with electrons travelling ..............35
Fig. 18 Synapses firing off in the brain .............................................................35
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Fig. 19 Image of a maze of synapses in the brain. ............................................36
Fig 20. Image of brain cells, synapses… .........................................................36
Fig 21. Diagram of nerve impulse .....................................................................37
Fig. 22 Diagrams of pathways to fear responses in the lizard brain. ...............41
Fig. 23 & 24 . Photos of anthropic ploughs - hoes. ........................................43
Fig. 25 & 26. Photos of mechanical ploughs. .................................................44
Fig 27, 28 & 29 Photos of seed sowing anthropogenically. .............................46
Fig. 30. Photo of an industrial seeding sowing farming machine. ....................47
Fig. 31. Diagram of a snowflake structure lattice Fig. 32 Diagram of ice lattice. .
Fig. 33 Size of snow flakes against an American penny ...................................52
Fig. 34 Graph The morphology of snow flakes with relationship to humidity
and temperature. ............................................................................................53
Fig. 35 Diagram of snowflake formation. .........................................................53
Fig. 36 Diagram of presence of water in the human body...............................54
Fig. 37 Photos of lake water before and after the prayers. ............................55
Fig 38 Image of kind loving words crystallised .................................................56
Fig. 39. Photo of Crystals of some Dr Emoto’s results ...................................57
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The purpose of this book is to lay down a ‘fundamental’ level of
neurosciences and quantum physics, in order to understand how the
oldest part of your brain works. This brain the reptilian one has a
tendency to not function if there is a primal need not met, so in order
to help you know about this - I am giving you a university type
course on it all ;) There I bet I just set off the Reptilian brain ;)
Not to panic this is a simple walk through with lots of imagery - for a
thousand words are spoken in one image …..
Once you know why you suddenly shut down, freak out, freeze or
faint (the four ‘fight or flight’ mechanisms) you are empowered to
make a choice - an informed choice.
You will have the power to intercept the mechanism - breathe - and
make a conscious choice thus rewiring your neurones!
So buckle up for you are about to embark on a journey at atomic level
into your brain. Enjoy the lessons and have fun.
Cat xx
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Neuroscience 101
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Why nothing can stop you from living a full life.
Being happy is not a natural state. If you look at children as they
learn they are just in a creative wonderment. They are forming
neurological pathways to serve them all their lives. They need
sustenance and sleep to allow this process to happen.
One of the first thing a brain does is to coordinate the nervous
systems so that functions can be done with out you being constantly
focused on them - like breathing, heart beating - these sorts of
functions ;) One of these is to learn ‘response’ reactions, when you
put your hand on the hot flame of the cooker - the brain wires the
system to change from one type of nervous system to the other thus
making it almost instantaneously happen without you having to think
too much about it, so next time you put your hand on the flame, there
is a trigger to pull away form the flame. The same sort to pathways
occurs when we learn to walk, the muscles are being triggered into
action without you having to consciously tell them to.
So back to our children playing, learning enjoying life mainly. Let’s
suppose ‘Jim’ is pushing a toy car across the room. His goal is to get
the car to the other side the joy on his face lets us know it’s fun.
When the car hits a table leg, Jim gets up goes to where the car is
stopped picks it up and merrily sends the car on its way. Now with no
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intervention from adults, siblings how long would Jim do that until he
get’s frustrated? Jim would continue to do that until he gets board most likely that there will be no more neurological growth right now.
But if parents, aunties, uncles, siblings try to explain to Jim that to
avoid hitting the table leg in the first place he must do this from here
etc then that is changing Jim’s own learning patterns and speed so
that is when frustration can occur. This will alter his own
neurological pathways bring in new external factors, opinions that
start the doubting phase…
As an adult to gain your self esteem back please see my video
on my
channel or just type in Catherine Guimard Payen once in
Fig. 1 Video 🦄 💕 🤔 🙏 🐳 🌸 🌵 SELF ESTEEM 🦄 💕 🤔 🙏 🐳 🌸 🌵 (click here 🦄 to watch)
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Functioning of the Brain 101The Reptilian Brain
Note : I am trying to make this as simple and comprehensive as possible so please bear with me here, I am
trying to cater to all levels - I want everyone to comprehend the gist of the brain - a very complex organ - so as
a scientist myself, I never know how basic or too technical I am being - apologies beforehand….
You probably already have heard that your brain consists of various
totally different parts.
Fig 2. Diagram showing the Triune Brain Model.
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There is your Reptilian Brain, the oldest part from an evolution
perspective, the Limbic Brain and the Neocortex. The latter is the
newest part from an evolutionary perspective. Together these three
brains are called the Triune Brain Model, a term coined by Dr. Paul
D. MacLean during the 1960s.
The reptilian brain, the oldest of the three, 500 million years old,
controls the body's vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body
temperature and the regulation of all chemical processes going on in
your body. As you can note, this part of the brain is responsible for
the very basic ‘animal’ functionalities, hence the name of this part of
your brain, the reptilian brain, because it closely resembles the brain
of reptiles such as lizards. The lizard brain is another synonym for
this part of the brain.
It is also a subconscious part of your brain and tis a survival
mechanism as in eat or be eaten! It understands images not language,
has trigger response mechanisms in place so as to leave you to
reproduce (recall tis an old brain) so it is useful in defending territory
like a wild animal - dominate, aggression, seeking a mate, worship,
sex, fear, rigidity, compulsiveness, obsessiveness, greed and
submission. These are all primeval characteristics that do not use the
limbic or neocortex systems - as they were not evolved yet.
The reptilian brain only understands images which is why
visualisation works well as the optic nerve is connected directly to
this part of the brain and the images help you channel your mental
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energy and attention towards your goals (thus the vision board,
visualisation exercises…).
Because this brain is the most primitive the way it works overrides
the other systems -limbic (emotional) and neocortex (thinking)- for if
you need to run fast you or your body can not be thinking or doing
anything else - no other chemical reaction, singing a song nothing but
running away from a predator! So it is the oldest but the one which
has to be listened to and calmed first for example :
When in love we are sort of a bit silly and can think of nothing but
the loved one;
When heart broken no eating, no sleeping, nothing can be done here
When hungry in a meeting it is hard to concentrate on anything apart
from ‘the Twix dispenser on the second floor’;
Should this brain be in need nothing gets past it to the other 2 brains
so we can not rationalise our way out of it ;)
1.i Understanding the reptilian brain’s functions.
It is necessary to control, curb, put out the reptilian’s survival mode
for today we are not in need of its functions as much as in prehistoric
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Here we shall first comprehend the function then the coping
mechanisms so that we can try and bypass it’s ‘tugging at our sleeve’.
Special note that one can not ignore the reptilian brain completely in
case it really is a survival response that is needed.
Recall in prehistoric times threats meant death so it is not easy to turn
this part of the brain off, in fact quiet the opposite but if we start to
understand the functions of the reptilian brain we can know how best
to have pattern interrupts empowering us to bring back calmness.
The 5 basic functions of the reptilian brain.
Threat to safety
In today’s society there is no imminent danger per say and we all
know that saying ‘let’s sleep on it and I’ll give you an answer in
the morning’. One of the best know examples is road rage… This
is the reptilian’s answer to a stress response at the wheel of a car,
when someone has done a manoeuvre that threatens you and there
yes, you are absolutely in a critical life or death situation. You
react aggressively - beeping the horn or swearing or both, thus
reestablishing your dominance. Now whilst mostly drivers are in
total control of their vehicle and anticipate what the other drivers
may do, so as not to be surprised or threatened there will be
occasional times when due to the sher surprise or magnitude of
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the manoeuvre
you may revert to violence in some form of
aggressive behaviour, generally the young males full of
testosterones tend to loose their cool fastest…. (This is not
stereotypical, young males have to prove their worth in order to
be chosen to reproduce.) A biological response to a biological
ii) Sex
This is again a direct physical response (increase heart rate,
dilation of the pupils, giving off pheromones…) without
intervention of the other brains, logic, emotional (he is hurting me
so this must be bad) so the idiom ‘it’s out of my hands’ is very
real here. Sex also stimulates the primal emotions of worship,
submission, aggression and seeking a mate, in the reptilian brain.
Many centres are triggered so learning to control “love impulses”
is very much a personal thing.
iii) Money, Power, and Social Status
Ah greed, aggression what these emotional triggers do to make
us make an irrational decisions, with the sole intention to improve
our lives! Again ‘let’s sleep on it’ here is quasi a must to create
the pattern interrupt and thus allowing the others to chime in
allowing emotions and logic to do their part also!
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iv) Self-Image
These are the dominance, obsession, compulsion and selfmaintenance part of the reptilian brain. We recall chimps spend
all day grooming each other, there is a need for social interactions
as we are also mammals. When humans feel down there is many
ways they have to cope with that and some people go out to shop
when down this is a response to a primal trigger, others will binge
eat, binge watch tv, whatever your response remember that to go
out and socialise will bring back the hormones humans need at
this time.
v) Food
A vital necessity - for reproduction - a primal need then. When
food is scarce the lizard brain will bring out the worst in people.
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1.ii Understanding how to calm the reptilian brain.
The lizard brain is really concerned with survival, avoiding pain if
Any trigger, however small to your safety, in the lizard
brain’s view as shown above (i-v), GETS immediate attention.
This is why it seems that children are self-centred and until a certain
age, children all believe that they are their whole world - and how
right they are (more on that —> read on ;) ) ‘This is how it must be
if your gene pool is going to survive to the next generation - all
triggers concern me and I need to deal with them NOW!’ So as the
child is very vulnerable it is evident that it must be protected, plus the
other two brains are still in their formation and the Lizard brain rules
the show. It is this way the body has evolved a nervous system with
specific bypasses to the other parts of the brain should the reptilian
side be awakened! Leading to the flight/fight/freeze/faint techniques
mentioned above, where all food digestion, thought, is immediately
cut off and all the energy goes into the muscles for movement, the
eyesight is heightened to better see where you are running to or find a
place to hide, the aim is better for the blood is directed to the to
muscles of arms, and the muscles of the legs for faster running
capacity, the sense of smell is acute to know where the predator is
coming from…
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And this is also why the main sensory organs have their nervous
endings directly going into this part of the brain. Have you noticed
that if you are hungry, or the client is attractive to you, you can not
conduct the meeting in the best objective manner? No your reptilian
brain is not allowing you to think of anything other than that primal
need, no matter how hard you try. So we definitely do have to have
internal pattern interrupts so as to continue the meeting even if we are
hungry or suggest that coffees be brought into the meeting room for
This reveals that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs levels 1, 2 are linked
very much to the lizard brain and nothing can get done if the lizard
brain is in use. For if it is in use it means it has been triggered and
you job now, today in the 21st century, is to stop it being in use by
calming it or meeting its need. Whether that means finding shelter,
food, or just asking for a raise it must be done before the logical and
emotional brains can begin to analyse the situation at hand. They may
notice that the danger is not a real threat - like the road rage, as you
get older this is easier to curb and stop all together (your testosterone
levels being lower or you may have children already), be it from
experience or just plain old wiseness that this is not a threat for
example, perhaps the hunger felt during a meeting can be maintained
enough until lunch with water, perhaps the client is so demanding that
they turn out to be not so attractive to you once you’ve had a thought
on the matter. To appease and enable you to achieve more recall ‘a
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picture says a thousand words’ so you may need to have a calming
one at hand at all times! This is just one simple technique to use as a
pattern interrupt so as to not give into the lizard brain reaction mode
in the modern day non essential times. Sleeping on any impulse is a
very effective way too.
Note : Control your reptilian brain or it controls you.
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Linking the reptilian brain to the limbic one.
Now the brain forms pathways (nervous connections- see The
neurology of thought processes 101 below) from words to emotions
during it's infancy - this is when you learn to :
See - your brain is now connecting this image to that sound,
person, smell... this is why the role of the mother is
BIOLOGICALLY so important. The brain may be virgin in
its synaptic connections but it is pre-formatted in the oldest
'lizard' brain. Here are all the fright/flight/freeze/faint
response mechanisms. So this needs to be formatted first and
the brain's main connection via suckling the
mother - getting the senses going touch, smell, sound, taste,
sight - makes vital neurological pathways and this is why as
long as there is cuddling during the feed the neurones makes
Talk, the baby generally makes little noises when feeding and
this is so that at the same time as he feels secure, is being
fed... Well when his primary needs are being met - that the
baby can start to experiment within that safe zone, creating
neurological pathways;
Hold, here again the holding of Mama's hand is vital to the
lizard brain's primary functions. Thinking back to the
chimpanzee holding is a crucial function for mobility in flight
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mode, later on the holding of tools is what differentiated us
from the other animals…Making this neurological pathway
vital to humans in particular;
Walk, this again has essential functions in the lizard brain for
flight action mode, and takes considerable time for the
mechanisms to be aligned and in place - children have
different connections and thus take different times to ‘learn to
walk’. Each to his own as far as learning goes ;)
So whilst the baby is really busy boiling grey matter, muscle and
neurological pathways it tis vital for his survival that food, water and
sleep are sufficient.
The reptilian brain has allowed humans to evolve, stay safe for
millions of years. Hoping your understanding of it (101) is allowing
you to see how complex, complicated and difficult it is to change
So please be kind and compassionate to yourself doing your transition
phases because some to these mechanisms are very difficult to ‘turn
For example : if you got into a relationship where you were
submissive to survive that is totally understandable, and now you had
the strength to leave.
In gorilla tribes the alpha male is very
dominant to all females in the group so for you to have ‘escaped’
from that relationship is, in lizard brain culture a death sentence. Of
course it is going to be in full action and drawing out all the stops,
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out in the savannah on your own, you don’t stand a chance!
today you will more than likely find yourself in a city so there are
more chances of you making it than not making it! Unfortunately you
are trying your hardest AND you are your own worst enemy - for
your lizard brain wants you to go back to the gorilla tribe and be safe.
Hoping that now you have some knowledge of this you can be more
lenient towards yourself.
Now to neurology ;)
Fun Fact : Neurone is the British spelling for neuron. If you want to publish in a British
journal, especially The Journal of Physiology, all nerve cells will appears as neurones in
your publication. So you too shall see both spellings ;) in my book.
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The Nervous System (N.S.)
Fig 3. The anatomy of the nervous system.
The nervous system is made up of two parts:
• the central nervous system (CNS)
• the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
due to their location in the body.
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The central nervous system (CNS) includes the nerves in the brain
and spinal cord. It is safely contained within the skull and vertebral
canal of the spine. All of the other nerves in the body are part of the
peripheral nervous system (PNS).
Regardless of where they are in the body, a distinction can also be
made between voluntary and involuntary nervous system. The
voluntary nervous system (somatic nervous system SNS) controls all
the things that we are aware of and can consciously influence, such as
moving our arms, legs and other parts of the body.
The involuntary nervous system (vegetative or autonomic nervous
system ANS) regulates the processes in the body that we cannot
consciously influence. It is constantly active, regulating things such
as breathing, heart beat and metabolic processes. It does this by
receiving signals from the brain and passing them on to the body. It
can also send signals in the other direction – from the body to the
brain – providing your brain with information about how full your
bladder is or how quickly your heart is beating, for example. The
involuntary nervous system can react quickly to changes, altering
processes in the body to adapt. For instance, if your body gets too
hot, your involuntary nervous system increases the blood circulation
to your skin and makes you sweat more to cool your body down
Both the central and peripheral nervous systems have voluntary and
involuntary parts. However, whereas these two parts are closely
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linked in the central nervous system, they are usually separate in
other areas of the body.
The involuntary nervous system is made up of three parts:
The sympathetic nervous system
The parasympathetic nervous system
The enteric (gastrointestinal) nervous system
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
(Fig.4 below)
usually do opposite things in the body. The sympathetic nervous
system prepares your body for physical and mental activity. It makes
your heart beat faster and stronger, opens your airways so you can
breathe more easily, and inhibits digestion.
The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for bodily
functions when we are at rest: it stimulates digestion, activates
various metabolic processes and helps us to relax. But the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems do not always
work in opposite directions; they sometimes complement each other
The enteric nervous system is a separate nervous system for the
bowel, which, to a great extent, autonomously regulates bowel
motility in digestion.
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Fig. 4 Diagram of involuntary Nervous Systems (A.N.S.)
The parasympathetic nervous system’s functions are to slow the body down, maintaining homeostasis ensuring
long term health whilst the sympathetic nervous system is the body’s response to emergencies - automatically
preparing for the flight/fight/freeze/faint mechanisms.
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Types of Neurones 101.
We have seen that the body is in contact with its environment via the
nervous system. The nervous system itself is made up of millions of
cells, neurons, that communicate with each other with chemical
messengers via synapses.
Fig 5. Diagram of a Nerve cell.
The anatomy of a neurone is a reflection of its function and let us say
that the neurones have three basic functions. These are to :
1. Receive signals (or information).
2. Integrate incoming signals (to determine whether or not the
information should be passed along).
3. Communicate signals to target cells (other neurones or muscles or
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Fig 5B Image of a Nerve cell
Incoming signals cause a ‘listening’ neuron to fire or send signals of
its own. A cell fires when an electrical signal travels through it. The
signal moves away from what is called the cell body, down through a
long structure called an axon. When the signal reaches the end of the
axon, it triggers the release of those chemical messengers. The
chemicals then leap across a tiny gap, the synapse into the next cell to
fire. And on it goes transmitting messages to the end action, be it to
contract a muscle (motor neurone) dilate a pupil (sensory neurone).
Fig 6. Diagram showing different structures of neurones.
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During the learning process, neurones can learn to signal to several
neighbouring nerve cells. For example, one neurone might transmit
information about the distance of the table in front of the baby so that
it avoids walking into it, whilst other neurons are firing and alerting
your leg muscles to walk to the left so as the baby avoids walking
into the table.
Fig. 7 Images of a nerve cell with many dendrites firing off at once.
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Because the learned action is repeated the neurons fire off at the same
time the same actions required, one leg in front of the other, and
avoiding obstacles, this enables the connections between them to be
stronger making the baby able to walk better and better; run even
after a while. This is due to the fact that neurones which were in the
‘daydreaming’ part of the brain are now actively firing due to their
proximity of the initial firing neurone.
Although neurones make up 85% of the nerve cells there are other
forms with recent studies show that the glia cells have also an
essential role and not just holding neurones together as previously
thought. The glia cells are named after all from the Greek word for
glue! So these glia cells also become active during the learning
Fig 8. Diagram showing the myelin sheath speeding up the nerve impulse.
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They wrap around the axon of the neurone forming a myelin sheath.
This has two functions:
1. Insulation preventing electrical signals leaking out of the axon
into another - a little like the plastic around the electrical wires
in your own home;
2. Acceleration - speeding up the electrical signals along in its fatty
tissues rather than going in a straight line along the axon itself.
It has also been noted that as an action is repeated, the myelin
sheath gets thicker improving the ability of a neurone to signal
thus better learning. Actions like walking, breathing…
Fig. 9. Image of two different neurones types
A thicker sheath is also significant to better decision making.
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Fig 10. Image of myelin sheath creation.
These need sleep to ‘grow’ lack of sleep has so many deterrent
biological functions! Babies need a lot of sleep and so do adults as
these are constantly growing, learning, rewiring. Sleep is vital during
these personal development phases of growth - you are changing not
only the way your myelin sheath grows and also you are changing
what it grows to! So get that sleep planned into your routine!
Here in Fig 10. we can witness the growth of the myelin sheath. This
is in fact creating shorter time span for this action to happen - YOU
ARE IN FACT CREATING HABITS., i.e. you will start to privilege
this action over another.
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Fig 11. Image & diagram of a glial cell creating myelin sheath.
In Fig.11 the green, octopus like cell in the centre is a type of glial cell
that creates the myelin sheath. In this image it is the early stages of
wrapping around several different axons. As the brain learns the glial cells
grow, increasing the efficiency of the passing along the signal.
Fig 11B. Diagram of a glial cell creating myelin sheath.
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And of course your nervous system has cells that grow to enable even
faster firing actions as seen in Fig 12 & 13 below.
Fig 12 & fig 13. Image of oligodendrocyte.
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Neurones communicate with one another at junctions
called synapses. At a synapse, one neurone sends a message to a
target neurone—another cell.
Most synapses are chemical; these synapses communicate using
chemical messengers. Other synapses are electrical; in these
synapses, ions flow directly between cells. We now know that
synaptic transmission can be either electrical or chemical—in some
cases, both at the same synapse!
Fig. 14. Image of a Synapse
Chemical transmission involves release of chemical messengers
known as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters carry information
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from the pre-synaptic—sending—neuron to the post-synaptic—
Fig. 15 Diagram of a synapse with neurotransmitter.
Synapses also have the neuroreceptors (protein molecule that receives
chemical signals from outside a cell)
Fig. 16. Image of a synapse and neurotransmitters
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So the another way we can change these pathways is by changing the
chemistry of the neurotransmitters.
Fig. 17. Image showing an electrical synapse with electrons travelling
Fig. 18 Synapses firing off in the brain
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Fig. 19 Image of a maze of synapses in the brain.
Fig 20. Image of brain cells, synapses…
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So when we change our 'belief systems' we change things at a cellular
level. Notwithstanding our hectic lives, stress levels, already created
habits, belief systems, glass ceilings, loves….
• we change the neurones being used
• these neurones have been in use for decades possibly so the myelin
sheath and the oligodendrocytes are not only in place but also have a
sort of go to operation system set up from the trigger to the action!
• we stop the nervous impulse and try to train it to go another route…
Fig 21. Diagram of nerve impulse
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So just like babies we need sleep, and a lot of it. You will feel tired
and drained some days, trying to stop a nervous impulse is like trying
to stop a freight train in motion! YES YOU ARE BEING
So get lots of sleep and you’ll see, you will get all that work done,
with a smile to boot ;)
That wraps up the nervous system 101 course!
Yes I have gone into some length of details but I am a firm believer
that if you see, your understanding of it is heightened & then as you
are going through the changes within your own consciousness with
‘no change apparent’ you can comprehend the mechanisms within
your brain.
You begin to understand that the myelin sheath is so
thick, due to years of the brain being on autopilot - thus using always
the same nervous pathways - that as you are now aware of this and
are using a new nervous pathway, creating it’s own new myelin
sheath a lot of energy is being used to do this. This will tire you and
thus you revert back to the old habit patterns.
That was before you had taken the Neurosciences 101! Now when
you are feeling very tired give yourself not only slack but snacks too
- the brain is the biggest eater of glucose (sugars) in the body (40%’s
worth!) so eat up healthy snacks too.
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(See appendix for my Emotional Foods book.)
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In my own life I had a very difficult time with my teenage daughter,
and we would just use have a habitual pattern - the same words to
flare up - she would say this I would say that and off it would go - the
arguments…. Here the myeline sheath cells had grown very fat, thus
the nervous reptilian brain reaction to threat was real and the
electrons jumping along were very fast, faster and fastest. The way to
initiate a pattern interrupt is to know this and not be triggered!!
So that when we next had an argument, triggers blazing around the
heated discussion, I would be very calm, thinking of the new nervous
systems and connections I am making in my head, in my brain in fact
I found this fascinating and with all the images now happening I
gained insight into how difficult and tiring all these procedures are this is why babies sleep and eat so much! This also brought me solace
when I reverted back into the old patterns of just being triggered.
Generally when I was caught of guard, tired long into the argument
etc But I always could now congratulate myself on the new myelin
sheath I had just created and thus I would have a positive outlook on
the situation now rather than how I used to look back over and over
arguments, feeling like a bad Mother spiral…. No! Now I just saw the
immense amount of energy needed to stop impulses and grow new
nervous pathways.
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So again congratulate yourself and remain positive. Be extremely
patient, kind to yourself. Exercise is also needed for a lot of blood
needs to circulate to bring all these hard working areas food and
oxygen, what a better way than a walk in a park, woods, seafront?
These are all activities we did with our babies, the routines, the good
food, the walks in the woods - treat yourself now so you too get that
routine in so you do YOUR nights :D
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The Neurology of Thought
Processes 101.
Energy can not be created it is always transformed. Thus a word
frequency is transferred into action by passing along the nerves via
chemical energy and then being transformed into muscular energy action. If you hear a panic sounding ‘RUN!!’ before you know it you
are running, no thought is involved 'Oh shall I go left, right...?'
'Which way is the wind blowing?' 'I don't think I can make it up that
hill!' None of these occur - it's a flight lizard brain action.
Fig. 22 Diagrams of pathways to fear responses in the lizard brain.
These lizard brain actions are so strong that there are no nerve ending
nor synapses to allow you to think, their pathway is bypassing the
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‘normal connection’. Meaning that depending on the severity of the
external factor the brain will react immediately - low road - and
scream or the brain will take the high road and think - the spider is
not as much of a stimulus as the tiger - ‘I’ll just flick it off me’…
It becomes more apparent when we put our hand on the gas stove the immediate reaction will be to take it off and not have time to
think - a response that stays.
These are the functions of the reptilian brain and to some extent the
limbic system but these take time and back in the pre-palaeolithic
days that could mean death, so the brain worked out a quicker way.
This is incredibly good news as you can not do any harm to yourself
i.e. you can not change a vital network - so keep going ;)
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Mindseeds - Planting new beliefs
To plant new belief systems in place we first have to break old ones
as we have seen above to stop an electrical impulse is hard just as the
farmer ploughs the land to plant new seeds, your own thought
patterns must be ploughed..
Fig. 23 & 24 . Photos of anthropic ploughs - hoes.
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This is how it’s done initially as we learn how to stop electrical
impulses until eventually… Note how the land is green and ‘alive’
before the ploughing and how the ploughs really turn the soil over
just like stopping a nerve impulse
Fig. 25 & 26. Photos of mechanical ploughs.
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Now you know how difficult it is to stop a nervous impulse, be wary
of this and know that you must push yourself, at times do not give up.
To get to be at the mechanical plough standards, churn all those
beliefs over and over for they will resist. Not only are you going
against biological factors, you are also going agains subconscious
(See my course on Ultimate Consciousness and book 2 in the making;).
This is the
toughest step to stop a habitual thinking process, just like giving up
smoking, you’ll find everything is linked to it, the morning coffee,
the 10am break outside the office, lunch… etc You will find
everything linking back to that belief and that is normal because you
are becoming aware. You know its like when you want to buy a red
top, everyone is suddenly wearing red! This is because your brain is
in search mode and thus when it’s in that mode, the brain finds!
One more important factor to just take into consideration is the way
seeds are planted… This is also in correlation to the quantum physics
part following.
We are not always capable of precision thinking unless we stop
everything else to focus on a particular topic, or thought.
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Fig 27, 28 & 29 Photos
of seed sowing
So we tend to just spray think all sorts of wonderful ideas, thoughts
and within that there will be doubt, fear, incertitude… Hence we are
not making the new neuropathway but using some of the old to hack
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the new pathway. This will lead to old habits forming with the new
and we shall see that this is just the way it has to be for now.
Fig. 30. Photo of an industrial seeding sowing farming machine.
When we have seen not only the power of words and understood
quantum physics this is how we will sow…
Please note that a lot of seeds are planted and only one will
You really need to master these traits too:
• Patience
• Persistence
• Belief
• Trust the process
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Nature works in mysterious ways but follows rules, laws, seasons,
patterns… And there will always be one seed that germinates possibly
in their own timescales though, so do not become too attached to the
outcome… Set your intention, know your desired result and work
towards it. Your job is not to know the how but to constantly work on
This is why a coaching program works best for this process. If you
can find it in you to have fun during this process the Universe speeds
up the learning and thus the germinating of the seed. This is why I am
constantly having a laugh, I have much to process, but I work darn
hard on me.
During the ploughing process some time there will be a program,
training video or mastermind meeting where something will be
churned up fast and furious, and those seeds that were planted will
sprout ‘literally instantaneously’ it will seem. But don’t forget that
biologically this is improbable and that you took the time to plough
and sow in the first place, perhaps so long ago you ‘forgot all about
it’. But it has been working in the background and now change has
come. Whether it took months, years, decades matters not. You will
understand this fully when you have a change occur once - it is
sumptuous :)
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Quantum Physics 101
Definitions :
Quantum is the Latin word for amount and, in modern
understanding, means the smallest possible discrete unit of any
physical property, such as energy or matter. So it refers to
discreteness, i.e., the existence of individual "lumps" as opposed to a
The word physics comes from the Greek word ἡ φύσις
phusis, meaning "nature". Physics can also be defined as "that
department of knowledge which relates to the order of nature, or, in
other words, to the regular succession of events".
What is quantum physics? Put simply, it’s the physics that explains
how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of
the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they
Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so
why chemistry and biology work as they do. You, me and the gatepost
– at some level at least, we’re all dancing to the quantum tune. If you
want to explain how electrons move through a computer chip, how
photons of light get turned to electrical current in a solar panel or
amplify themselves in a laser, or even just how the sun keeps burning,
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you’ll need to use quantum physics. (Read more:
For our purpose let’s imagine that quantum physics is what enables
thoughts to turn into actions, for your thoughts are actual vibrations
and these have an effect at the cellular level.
Thoughts are just vibrations floating around that you bring into being
with being in the same vibration at that particular time. WOW just
ponder on that for a second - because you vibrate at the same
frequency as a particular word this is brought to you via a thought - a
word or sometimes an image, a phrase, an emotion comes out of your
neuronal path…
Thus all eventualities are already present here and now and
depending on your mindset - your vibrational frequency of now this
nanosecond a connection is made with the outside world drawing to
you this train of thought in the quantum realm that exists already.
For now let us keep this simple 101 style and start with an element
we all know water. Experiments have been done using water to enable
us to see the above mentioned emotions coming from words, coming
from thought, coming from vibrations…
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Water and Words
Dr Emoto’s experiments
In Japan, it is widely believed that the soul dwells in the spirit that is
present in words.
Kotodama (⾔霊) is the Japanese term meaning
‘word-spirit.’ It refers to the original, divine spirit of a word, before it
enters the world of thought waves. The significance of kotodama is
that words are alive, and have the power to create.
With this in mind Dr Emoto wanted to find out if the power of the
word could be reverse i.e. if the negative effects of bad word
vibrations could be healed by the power of the
higher vibrational
word. After trial and error Dr Emoto turned to water and to help us
better understand the impact of the results we shall look at water’s
properties during the freezing process.
Frozen water’s properties
We know that water crystallises giving snow flakes - in the
characteristic six-fold symmetry.
) this
arrises from the arrangement of the water molecules in the ice crystal
lattice. Water will always freeze giving this form due to it’s chemical
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Fig. 31. Diagram of a snowflake structure lattice
Fig. 32 Diagram of ice lattice.
Although the lattice is always the same the size can vary
Fig. 33 Size of snow flakes against an American penny
What enables the size of the snowflake to vary is the density of the
water within the cloud the flake formation occurs in:
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Fig. 34 Graph The morphology of snow flakes with relationship to humidity and temperature.
As the snow crystal begins with the formation of a small hexagonal
plate, and branches sprout
from the six corners as the
crystal grows larger. As it
tumbles through the clouds,
Fig. 35 Diagram of snowflake formation.
the crystal experiences ever changing temperatures and humidities
making each arm grow a little differently. This is why no 2 flakes are
the same!!!
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Dr Emoto’s experiment with water
Water is known to be present up to 70% in the human body, within
the organs and its use in chemical reactions…
Fig. 36 Diagram of presence of water in the human body
During chemical experiments we use a ‘control.’ This is a pure form
of the substance tested, so when Dr Emoto wanted to use water it was
hard to find a “control” for his experiment. Although there were very
few places on earth where the water had not been anthropologically
tampered with, polluted, even the ice caps of the poles has
anthropogenic components. His first test was to see if water in nature
could be transformed from an anthropologically charged to pure form.
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During his experiments he freezes the water then takes photos of the
results with electronic microscopes so as to not disturb the ice.
He demonstrated that the crystals of the water could regenerate after a
prayer “through soul” by the Reverend Kato Hoki, the chief priest of
Jyuhouin temple, Omiya City. The experiment was conducted at the
Fujiwara Dam in Minakami-cho, Gunma Prefecture. So here are the
resulting photos of the lake water.
Fig. 37 Photos of lake water before and after the prayers.
As you can see a kind word, a prayer, a Om goes a very long way
especially at the cellular level! Never forget that your own words
have this very effect on your cells for humans are above 70%
water…. So when you are sowing your seeds be mindful and hmm…
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Fig 38 Image of kind loving words crystallised
Let me just repeat that for you - your words affect your cells - use
your words wisely upon you, your entourage, your spouse, your
children and your pets & possibly your plants ;)
Below are some more words that Dr Emoto ‘crystallised’ for all to see
and have a better comprehension of our words and thus our worlds….
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Fig. 39. Photo of Crystals of some Dr Emoto’s results
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Why choose Mentors/
What I have just described is pretty heavy intense level material and
to me indispensable if you want to understand:
• why it takes so long to change your actual mindset;
• how some days you feel so tired and just push on through;
• how you just give up as ‘I can’t see any changes’;
• ‘why bother?!’
• All the other reasons
“It does not work!”
You see with mentoring or coaching, you learn new information and
with this you can integrate it into your actual systems so that you
begin to learn and grow.
If you are on this path of self understanding and betterment,
want to evolve and this is ‘le propre de l’Homme’ and I can but
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congratulate you. As a scientist I need to learn how things work
before I can begin to integrate it into ME. So I hope this information
has enabled you to gain some understanding of the mind. Now it will
work, you can picture it working and if you do not see, or feel results
immediately you’ll understand why and possibly where along the
chain reaction you are: It’s the myelin sheath’s fatty tissue that is not
yet broken down completely; it’s the seed sowing section; tis the
word I am planting…..
The coach then?
This is manyfold:
• they hold a blueprint;
• they encourage;
• they inspire;
• they teach you how;
• they show you what to look for;
• they show you the progress you have already made;
• they hold you accountable;
• And so much more ………..
So search for a coach, one that you feel you can trust, for you do go
deep. Then you know your world will transform as you evolve into a
new human BEING.
Allow yourself to believe and now you can succeed.
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During this exposé of neuroscience and quantum physics, I trust that
you have enough information that you can understand, to have
scientific facts as to why changing your habits are so ‘difficult’.
These facts is also why it takes so long to bring abut new habits, new
ways of seeing things.
Changing nervous pathways that as a child
you took over years to create will not happen in a fortnight.
Science also shows that sleep is mandatory with good food and
Now the mindseeds take time to grow and it’s up to you to cherish,
nurture them with love in order to see them sprout into the seeds that
were sown. Do not plant an acorn and expect a pine tree, no you will
get an oak tree for sure, 100% of the time. So care with the mindseeds
that you plant.
Kindness, empathy, love, goodness are some of the positivity they
need to grow, enabling you to blossom.
Believe you me this is worth the effort. Soon you’ll feel it.
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My mission :
To inspire awareness to the
jewels within you
empowering you to
enjoy the journey.
I hope with this book that I have
empowered you, so you can feel those
jewels, see them shine and enjoy the
Life is really worth living.
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