Definition 1.2 Quantum channels
Let A and B be quantum systems, and N:L(A)→L(B)be a linear map. It is
called a quantum channel if it is a trace preserving completely positive map,
i.e. :
•∀ρA∈L(A),t r (N(ρA)) = t r (ρA)
• For all quantum system R and , IL(R)⊗Nmaps positive semi-definite
operators to positive semi-definite operators.
We can justify these with the following reasoning : We want a density operator to
be mapped to a density operator,as a quantum system is "stable" over time, so N
has to be trace preserving and has to map positive semi-definite operators to pos-
itive semi-definite operators. But suppose we prepare a larger quantum system,
which subsystems are R and A. Then Ncan be extended as IL(R)⊗Nand this has to
be trace-preserving - which it is automatically- and positive semi-definite, which
is the definition of Nbeing a completely positive map.
We will use density operators to describe quantum systems as it is convenient
for describing multipartite systems. The key notion here is the partial trace :
Definition 1.3 Partial trace
Let |a1〉〈a2|⊗|b1〉〈b2|be in A⊗B. We define :
t rA(|a1〉 〈a2|⊗|b1〉 〈b2|):=|b1〉〈b2|t r (|a1〉 〈a2|)
Where the trace on the right side is the usual trace. Then we extend the defi-
nition by linearity.
An important property of the partial trace (as for the regular trace) is cyclicity:
For any matrices ρ1,ρ2,ρ3acting on a space A⊗Bwhere the products are well de-
fined, we have : t rA(ρ1ρ2ρ3) = t rA(ρ3ρ1ρ2).
The partial trace is the operation which allows us to get the density operators of the
subsystems :
Property 1.4 Reduced states
Let A,B be two systems, with ρAB ,ρA,ρBbe the density operators of AB, A
and B respectively. The so-called reduced density operators ρAand ρBare ob-
tained by taking the partial trace :
ρA=t rBρAB
ρB=t rAρAB