The role of this assignment is to develop summative assessment questions that assess the
thinking of students at different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. There are strengths and
weaknesses of applying this hierarchal model to develop an assessment/evaluation. One of the
primary strengths is it allows students to be challenged on questions that reflect the unit they
have just learned. The questions they are asked will challenge students in various ways, from
remembering basic concepts (remember) to applying what they have learned and creating
original work (create). This is a well-rounded way of evaluating a student’s true understanding of
the concepts taught, as opposed to having students simply memorize and regurgitate information.
This model can be difficult to apply to all subjects or various units within a certain subject.
Depending on the age of the students as well, critical thinking skills may not be fully developed,
and questions that require students to create or evaluate may be difficult. Assessment and
evaluation may also be challenging to some students, especially those who become anxious with
multiple choice questions. The questions I have developed using blooms taxonomy for a grade 7
class who have just learned about matter and energy reflect the entire unit learned. The questions
asked, such as the third creative question, requires students to think outside the box and apply
what they have learned to a new situation. Although this is a difficult question, this creative
question will evaluate how well the students grasped material taught.
Creative questions:
1- Reflecting on your knowledge of pure substances, mixtures, mechanical mixtures,
solutions, and the processes used to separate mixtures from solutions; can you formulate
a theory that puts into perspective the unique traits of the particles (hint particle theory of
matter). (2.2, 3.2)
2- Your peers are confused about the difference between a pure substance and mixtures.
You, being an expert in the subject of matter and energy, decide to create a Venn diagram
that puts into perspective the differences and similarities of these substances. Create this
diagram. (2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.3)
3- Sewage is an example of a mixture that can be harmful to the environment if not handled
correction. Can you propose an alternative to simply dumping sewage into our local
lakes? (Hint: This is something we do in Windsor) (1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4)
1- Can you elaborate on why water is referred to as a universal solvent? Additionally, what
is its significance to the human population? (2.5, 2.6, 3.10)
2- Say you’re stuck in the woods for three days and are in desperate need of clean water.
Sadly, the closest thing to water you have is a muddy puddle (contains transparent brown
liquid). You are desperate to survive. Lucky for you, instead of packing food supplies,
you’ve packed all sorts of tools that would help you separate the solvent from the solute.
What separation technique would you recommend be used? What steps would you have