Copyright © ALPHALAS GmbH. All rights reserved. Do not copy, share or reproduce without permission.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................... - 2 -
List of Figures ......................................................................................................... - 4 -
Preface ................................................................................................................... - 6 -
1. Getting Started ................................................................................................ - 9 -
2. Quick Installation Instructions ........................................................................ - 10 -
3. The CCD-S3600-D(-UV): Introduction & Features ........................................ - 11 -
3.1. Overview of the CCD Line Camera ......................................................... - 11 -
3.2. Fields of Application ................................................................................ - 13 -
3.3. Ease of Use vs. Advanced Features ....................................................... - 13 -
3.3.1. Ease of Use for the Novice User ....................................................... - 13 -
3.3.2. Unique & Powerful Features for the Advanced User ........................ - 14 -
3.4. Features of the CCD Line Camera .......................................................... - 14 -
4. Specifications ................................................................................................ - 20 -
4.1. Detailed Specifications ............................................................................ - 20 -
4.2. Spectral Sensitivity .................................................................................. - 24 -
4.3. Connectors and Indicators on the Rear Panel ......................................... - 24 -
4.4. Mechanical Drawing ................................................................................ - 25 -
5. Description of Operation ................................................................................ - 26 -
5.1. Overview of CCD Operation .................................................................... - 26 -
5.1.1. Collecting Light & Data Flow in the CCD-S3600-D(-UV) ................... - 26 -
5.1.2. Sensor Pixels .................................................................................... - 26 -
5.1.3. Exposure to Light and Integration Time ............................................ - 27 -
5.1.4. Attenuation of Light ........................................................................... - 29 -
5.1.5. Damage Threshold of the CCD Sensor ............................................ - 29 -
5.1.6. Integration Time vs Sensor Noise ..................................................... - 30 -
5.1.7. Sensor Temperature ......................................................................... - 30 -
5.1.8. Frames, Sensor Readout and Continuously Running Frame Integration -
31 -
5.1.9. Integration Time vs. Readout Time ................................................... - 32 -
5.1.10. Non-Shutter Mode vs. Shutter Mode ............................................. - 33 -
5.1.11. Integration Time vs. Frame Rate ................................................... - 36 -
5.1.12. Integration Time with Internal vs. External Synchronization Mode - 37 -
5.2. Configuration and Acquisition .................................................................. - 38 -
5.2.1. Configuring the CCD Camera ........................................................... - 39 -
5.2.2. Initiating Acquisition in Different Data Modes ................................... - 40 -
5.3. CCD Operating Modes ............................................................................ - 42 -
5.3.1. Internally Synchronized, Continuously Running with Software Capture
Start - 43 -
5.3.2. Internally Synchronized, Continuously Running with Hardware Capture
Start (Rising Edge Triggering) ....................................................................... - 44 -
5.3.3. Internally Synchronized, Continuously Running with Hardware Capture
ENABLE (High Level Triggering) ................................................................... - 46 -
5.3.4. Single Shot, Clean & Ready with External Hardware Trigger (Rising
Edge Triggering), Use for Tint ≤ 500 µs Only ................................................. - 48 -