CLIENT: Thank you have a nice day too
CLIENT: Hello I am misses TURNER I contact you
because I want to negotiate my mortgage that I have for
10 years.
CONSEILLER : Hello Mrs, turner, this is Tambon, Great
to hear from you! Could we see together your current
CLIENT: My situation has changed I will get a divorce
soon , and recently I received an inheritance. What
effect will my loan have after my divorce?And the
inheritance I just received? should I share it with my
future ex.
CONSEILLER : First of all, I need to have some
information about you. Do you live always in Telford?
And I saw that you have 38 years old, Is it correct?
Furthermore Can you tell me what fees you currently
CLIENT: I have a rent of € 800 per month, my car
insurance costs me € 120, my mutual fund € 80, my
daughter's activity costs € 110. My electricity costs me
100€ per month. I do my shopping once a mont it costs
me 350€ . I think that’s all.
CONSEILLER : Thanks you for all these details, so to
answer your questions. You could renegociate your
contract even if you are divorced. And you have some
chance, Rates have never been so low, this is an
opportunity to save money! Also, It is you alone who will
therefore recover the family property?
CLIENT: What papers do you need for that then.
for my inheritance do you have any suggestions for me
CONSEILLER: Yes of course, You need to send by mail
or post, a file with several documents : Your Passport or
ID CARD, a family book, last three pay slips, a contract
work, last tax notice and that’s all. We have the others
documents in our possession
CLIENTE : Okay, I'll send you the papers today.
CONSEILLER : It's perfect, when I will got this, I will
send your file and I will give you a final proposal, I forgot
to say that for your loan, there will be some
consequences. In fact, by dropping your rate some
amendment fees will be applied but on the other hand
the tariff and refund conditions will be more favorable.
Your rate will be at 4,5 or 4 per cent and yours monthly
payment could be more interesting for you. Have a nice
day Mrs Turner, Bye !
CLIENT: Thank you, have a good day too
CONSEILLER : Hello Mrs Bosmans, this is Thomas
from Admiral Group, could we do can we take stock of
your contracts in particular on provident and death
insurance products?
CLIENT : hello, thank you for your call, I have 10
minutes .I am listening to you.
CONSEILLER : Thanks you for your time, I will be quick.
First of all, I need to see with your current situation. You
are married to Mr Bosmans Jack, he is 52 years old and
you are 48 years old. You currently live in Bournemouth,
you both work and own a cottage. Jack your 19 year old
son lives with you and is a college student is that
CLIENT : Exactly !
CONSEILLLER : Ok, thanks you. So with this
informations. I could propose you two contract, one for
death capital, if one of you dies, the other will have
financial capital and if you have a dependent child there
will be an education pension. The other is disability, if
one of you has a disability, he will be able to benefit
from a pension until retirement age to cover the loss of
your job.
CLIENT : Is there a waiting period for disability
coverage? This contract interests me because it is what
scares me the most.
CONSEILLER : No, when the doctor will recognize your
disability, you will have an gig on and if you took this
product in our company, you could have the first
payment at the day of your notification of disability. Do
you want to know the price of this contract?
CLIENT : yes, I Would like to know your prices.
CONSEILLER : Our contract more interesting is, the
disability premium, it will cost for you 40 € by month,
with that you and your husband could have a pension
until retirement age if you will be in disability, are you
interested by this?
CLIENT: Yes that really interests me !
CONSEILLER : Perfect, I will give you all the step for
that. You need to send by mail or post, a file with
several documents : Your Passport or ID CARD, a
family book, last three pay slips, a contract work, last tax
notice and that’s all. We have the others documents in
our possession. After this, We will treat your file and I
will send you the contract, when you will send me this
contract signed, you will do the first payment the first
day of the next month, and all the others will be always
the first day of every month. All is right for you Mrs
CLIENT : Yes all is good thanks ! I send you the papers
today !
CONSEILLER : That's fine, I will let you know when I will
receive your papers. Have a nice day Mrs BOSMANS.