First of all I would like to thank you for giving me this chance to introduce myself
First Pillar technical
That I have graduated in international trade specialist and marketing specialist and I have also graduated
in bachelor economics
My main missions are
-recording of all the files of the company, that is men the management of her financial health.
-analysis and entry of invoices
-the establishment of the annual summary document that is men the balance sheet and the income
statement all this while respecting the accounting standards and the deadlines imposed
- VAT and payroll processing
- VAT and tax declaration
- Mutual file management
-general works management
= Second pillar management
- make meetings with the directors of the poles to know and improve their demand and their need
- i managed a team of 230 employees
Last pillar commercial
I am very comfortable in sales and I have a lot of times helping the company to sell their software
The following are the question they will ask you .