aesthetically pleasing, on brand, and look great on a screen – but when blown up in real life
that building signage blends with itself and camouflages its own messaging.
The basic rule is to use a dark colour on a light base shade or even a light colour on a dark
base shade. This variation in colour makes your sign both catchy and increases the
readability; two elements in designing an eye-catching customized sign.
Our team at Fabsigns can assist with colour choice, so don’t be afraid to ask for design
Select Flattering Typeface Contrast
Many building signs only need a single typeface or font, whereas others can make use of
contrasting typefaces such as serif and san serif. Change can be a wonderful thing, so be open
to changing up the lettering in your sign.
Proceed with this tip with caution, and be careful not to use too many fonts. It is easy to turn
an appealing clean building sign into a cluttered and messy advertisement that will not
provide a return on investment.
Put It In A Box!
Adding a boundary to encompass your signactually enhances the reading speed of your
building sign. With the use of border, the readers eye is drawn more easily to the centre,
where your message is likely to be located enabling your customer to take in your message
quickly and effectively.Once again this is crucial, contrast plays a huge role in concluding
how well your border will work. Black on white is a very significant contrast.
What should be included inmy Building Signage?
Short and sweet messaging is key. Precision and the key message can always be further
drilled down. Think of your message like a fraction – what is the lowest common
Graphics are a great tool, but you don’t want to use anything too complicated. Users will
likely have up to 3 seconds at the most to process your sign. So your job is to instantly deliver
your message through simple and clear text and imagery.
Always avoid technical jargon and images. Long sentences should also be avoided.
Do you want your customers to take action? Tell them what to do. Google ‘Ray White
Aspley’ or ‘Call Denture Haus’.