Gaceta de la Republica number 62 of 3 March 1937
Ministry of the Navy and Air Force
Service Circular
As a continuation to the Ministerial service circular of 5 November 1936
(service decree of the Ministry of the Navy and Air force number 223 and
the following 6 of December* (Gazette of the Republic number 343) This
Ministry has resolved to introduce modifications to the Regulation Uniform
of the Air Arm and to describe the emblems for each specialty of said Arm.
Summer Dress Uniform
White Jacket, with one line of large gold buttons, with equal
distance between each, the lowest below the belt line. Open Collar,
a pocket on each side of the chest, with flaps closed by small
buttons. With rectangular cloth shoulder boards in a deep blue
color, angled in the front, 6 centimeters wide and 14 centimeters
long, with a small button inside the angle. At one centimeter from
the rear end of the board, will be placed the emblem of rank with
red star over the peck of the stripe. White pants, straight leg with
crease. White canvas shoes with soles of material. (Hemp?)
White socks. Gloves of white thread, that will be used for specially
determined occasions.
Work Uniform
A gray work uniform, also made up of a Jacket, with four bellow
pockets and flaps, closed by small gold buttons, and five large gold
buttons closing the garment the same as the White jacket. Also the
shoulder boards with emblems. With this uniform the gray
breeches pants can be used for flight.