Exercise 1 : complete the map with the name of the countries : England / Scotland /
Wales / Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland
Exercise 2 : Look at the flags, color them on the map and complete the text.
Now color England in red, Scotland in blue, Wales in
yellow, the Republic of Ireland in Green and Northern
Ireland in Orange
Exercise 3: Tick the countries that are part of the British Isles
o England
o Scotland
o Wales
o Northern Ireland
o Republic of Ireland
Exercise 4 : Tick the countries that are part of the United Kingdom
o England
o Scotland
o Wales
o Northern Ireland
o Republic of Ireland
Exercise 5 : Tick the countries that are part of gre at Britain
o England
o Scotland
o Wales
o Northern Ireland
o Republic of Ireland
Exercise 6 : Write the name of the country under its emblem
The _______________
Is the emblem of
The _______________
Is the emblem of
The _______________
and the ___________
are the emblems of
The _______________
Is the emblem of
Exercise 7 : put the name of these cities on the map (next to the dots):
London / Oxford / Dublin / Edinburgh / Cardiff / Belfast
A Shamrock
A leek
A red rose
A thistle
A daffodil
England’s flag, the cross of St
George is _________ and ________
Scotland’s flag, the cross of St
Andrew, is ________ and _________
The Original Union Flag is a
combination of flags from
______________ and _____________
To make today’s Union Jack, you
have to add the cross of St
Patrick, the flag of ______________
The ____________ flag, a red
dragon, with green at the
bottom and white at the top, is
not included, in the Union Jack.
Oh yes, it’s complicated !