1 Introduction
An innovative technology, which has many attractions like miniaturization, low
power consumption, performing multiple operations with single equipment, is
MEMS. The technology of MEMS indicates that it produces the devices with the
combination of both electrical and mechanical components [1]. The main advantage
of MEMS is its size which ranges between few micrometres to millimetres. MEMS
devices have greater ability in many domains like sensing, actuating and controlling
[1]. The MEMS-based sensors can be used for biomedical applications also [5].
Bio-MEMS devices can be manufactured based on the operation of various
parameters like temperature, pressure, capacitance, voltage and current. This paper
provides a brief idea about blood pressure detection using pressure as a sensing
element [2]. Pressure is an important parameter in real-life applications. It is defined
as force per unit area [3]. The mathematical expression of pressure is
Pressure pðÞ= Force/Area ð1Þ
Blood pressure measurement which is the most important routine check-up in
order to have well-being health. The normal blood pressure can be expressed in
terms of systolic over diastolic pressure as 120/80 (mmHg) [6]. Systolic is the
highest level of our blood pressure when the heart beats and diastolic is lowest level
of our BP as heart relaxes between beats.
This raise and fall of blood pressure leads to many diseases.
1. High BP leads to hypertension which causes heart attacks or strokes, trouble
with memory.
2. Low BP causes hypotension which results in dizziness, fainting, diarrhoea, etc.
In general, blood pressure can be measured by using some instruments like
sphygmomanometer and some asculatory methods. But these instruments have a
limitation that they cannot detect blood pressure when the body has mobility. So, a
design of MEMS-based sensor is proposed to implant in a human body, which is
used for continuous monitoring of blood pressure [4,6]. This helps the doctor to
provide an early detection and an efficient treatment to the patients suffering with
blood pressure. The implantable pressure sensor is interfaced to an external circuit
for the wireless monitoring and digital display of blood pressure. The sensor is
connected to RF microcontroller, a balun network and a chip antenna [4,7] (Figs. 1
and 2).
The total work is performed with the help of software named COMSOL
Multiphysics. COMSOL Multiphysics is finite element analyser, solver and simu-
lation software for various physics and engineering applications [6]. The virtual
blood pressure sensor model is designed using this tool followed by simulations.
This paper describes a model for continuous monitoring of blood pressure using a
nanotube-based design and also its analysis by using various parameters [9].
1120 K.S.N. Murthy et al.