How Much Coffee Do I Need?
How much coffee to buy is a pretty tricky question and one that we get asked all the time.
The short answer is, it all depends. It depends on how you make your coffee, it depends on how much
coffee you drink and it depends on how many people are drinking coffee. Between myself and my
wife, we drink a lot of coffee in our house. I drink about 4-5 cups per day and my wife drinks about 3
or 4. Over the course of a week, that’s somewhere between 50 – 65 cups of coffee, and that’s not
counting friends and family calling by, all of whom love the coffee in our house. Given that we tend
to double up on making coffee, and that we mostly use a Bialetti Moka Express stovetop coffee maker,
which takes about 25 grams of coffee for 2 very strong coffees (it’s a 6 cup coffee maker but we split
it into two cups. I know, I know!) it’s no surprise that we go through a kilo of coffee beans every 12
days or so.
Now I know that’s more than most houses. Most couples will use less coffee than this. In most houses,
a kilo of beans will last at least 2 weeks. Maybe you will drink as many cups or even more than us, but
we take our coffee pretty strong. A great thing about coffee as good as Dreambeans is that you can
take your coffee as strong as you like because there’s absolutely no bitterness. You can really load up
on the strength and the flavour will remain rich and true to the last drop. If you haven’t tried
Dreambeans before, try making your coffee a good bit stronger than usual to really experience the
high notes of the aroma and the flavour. There’s absolutely no bitterness, I promise you.