(%$%.,). Then, the total energy of the GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%+,- %$%.,) supercell was
calculated with the two spin-polarized for Co and Ga atoms coupled in FM and AFM states. Table 1
displays that the FM ground state is the most stable configuration for GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O
() * %$%+,) system with LM *K 9#:/0. However, for GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%.,) system,
Table 1 shows that the FM ground state almost vanishes (LM *K %$5%:/0). From Table 1 we can also
see that the formation energy for GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%+,- %$%.,) is lower than that of
Co0.056Zn0.944O. This means that (Ga,Co) co-doped ZnO is more energetically stable than Co0.056Zn0.944O
system. On the other hand, the total magnetic moment per Co atom has almost the same value
(K #$%%&=) per supercell for both Ga0.029Co0.056Zn0.915O and Co0.056Zn0.944O systems.
3.3. TDOS and PDOS of Co0.056Zn0.944O and GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O (O * %$%+,-%$%.,) with GGA
In order to provide fundamental insight into the interaction of both Co with ZnO and Ga with Co-
doped ZnO, and how these interactions can produce an induced magnetism, we calculated the total
density of states (TDOS) for Co0.056Zn0.944O and GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%+,-%$%.,), and partial
density of states (PDOS) for 3d-Co, 2p-O, 3d-Ga, 2s-Ga and 3d-Zn states in the FM configuration, as
shown in Figures 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c), respectively. When Co replaces Zn in ZnO, the nearly tetrahedral
crystal field formed by O ions splits the five fold degenerate 3d-Co states into the twofold (dx2
−y2, dz2 )
and threefold (dxy, dxz, dyz) degenerated e and t2 states, where the e states are lower in energy than the t2
states. TDOS of Co0.056Zn0.944O (Figure 2(a)) displays some states in the minority band which lie both
below and near the Fermi level and on the Fermi level. Thus, the system is nearly halfmetallic.
Similarly, PDOSs for 3d-Co and 2p-O of Co0.056Zn0.944O show that some states in the minority band lie
at the same energy levels. Above the Fermi level, in the minority band of TDOS, between K %$1 and
9$./0, some peaks are shown. These peaks are also shown in PDOS for 3d-Co and 2p-O at the same
energy levels. The fact that 3d-Co and 2p-O states are located at the same energy level and look alike
suggests a p-d hybridization between 3d-Co and 2p-O states. The states shown in the minority band of
PDOS for 3d-Co which lie below (above) and on the Fermi level correspond to / (t2) states. The up-
spin Co P states are fully occupied, while the down-spin d states are partially occupied. As we can see
in TDOS of Co0.056Zn0.944O (Figure 2(a)) the empty minority states above Fermi level correspond to t2
states. On the other hand, the valence electron configuration of Co is 3d74s2. If Zn2+ is replaced by
Co2+, the configuration of Co is 3d7. Therefore, as we added 2Co, we expected a total magnetic
moment of no more than I$%3&= per supercell. Indeed, we obtained a total magnetic moment of
"I$%3&= per supercell (see Table 1), near to the predicted value. Similar results were found by
Spaldin. The author reports by a DFT study of CoxZn1−xO () * %$%I+. and %$9+.) [8] a total
magnetization of "I$%3&= per unit cell. Park et al. [10] reported a total magnetic moment per Co atom
of #$+.3&= for CoxZn1-xO () * %$%I+.) by using LSDA approach. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) display the
calculated TDOS and PDOS for 3d-Co, 2p-O, 3d-Ga, 2s-Ga and 3d-Zn states of GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O
with ) * %$%+, and %$%.,, respectively, in the FM configuration. As we can see in Figures 2(a) and
2(b), when Ga replaces Zn in Co0.056Zn0.944O, the Co0.056Zn0.944O band gap is modified due to the
Ga(4s)-O(2p)-Co(3d) exchange interactions. We can see in the PDOS of 4s-Ga for
GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%+,- %$%.,) that some states in both majority and minority bands lie on
the Fermi level. As a result, the nearly halfmetallic nature of Co0.056Zn0.944O changes to metallic due to
4s-Ga partial occupation band. On the other hand, the valence electron configurations of Ga is
3d104s24p1. If Zn2+ is replaced by Ga2+, the configuration of Ga is 3d104s1 . Through Bader analysis [20,
21, 22], we found a total valence charge of 99$#/ and no magnetization on the Ga atom for
GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O () * %$%+,- %$%.,). In comparison to the ideal values of 9#/ for Ga, the Ga
adopts approximately ionization states of 2+. As 3d10-Ga orbitals are all fully occupied, the 4s1-Ga
enhances the n-type conduction of GaxCo0.056Zn1−(x+0.056)O system in comparison to that of Co-doped
ZnO. These results agree with those found experimentally by Lu et al. The authors reported that the
Zn(Co,Ga)O films exhibit enhanced n-type conduction in comparison to that of Co-doped ZnO.