QSMs on hematology

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MCQs in
Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
MD (Medicine, UCMS), DM (Clinical Hematology, AIIMS)
Consultant and Principal Coordinator
Department of Hemato-oncology and
Bone Marrow Transplantation
BLK Superspeciality Hospital, Rajendra Place
New Delhi, India
Pawan Kumar Singh
MD (Medicine, KGMC), DM (Clinical Hematology-student, AIIMS)
Senior Resident
Department of Hematology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
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MCQs in Hematology
First Edition: 2015
ISBN 978-93-5152-579-0
Printed at
Abhishek Purohit
DM student (Hematopathology)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi
Avinash Kumar Singh
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Consultant Hematologist
Paras Hospital, Patna, Bihar
(Col) Bhushan Asthana
DM (Hematopathology)
Commanding Ocer and HOD
Armed Forces Transfusion Centre
Delhi Cantt, Delhi
Divya Bansal
DM (Clinical Hematology-Student, AIIMS)
Senior Resident
Department of Hematology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
Gaurav Dhamija
MD (Pathology)
Attending Consultant
BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
Gaurav Dixit
(DM Clinical Hematology)
PG Registrar
Christian Medical College
Vellore, Tamilnadu
Gaurav Kharya
DNB (Pediatrics)
Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology &
BMT (London, UK)
Consultant, BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
Gurmeet Singh
DM (Hematopathology)
JLN Hospital and Research Centre
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Jyoti Devi
MDS (Prosthodontics, MAMC)
Junior Resident
MAMC, New Delhi
Kapisoor Singh
MD (Radiodiagnosis)
Consultant Radiologist
KG Hospital, Coimbatore
Mayank Dhamija
DNB (Pediatric), FNB
(Pediatric Hemato-oncology)
Attending Consultant
BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
Mrinalini Kotru
DM (Hematopathology)
Associate Professor
UCMS and GTB Hospital
New Delhi
Mukul Agarwal
DM (Clinical Hematology-Student, AIIMS)
Senior Resident
Department of Hematology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
Narendra Agrawal
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Consultant Hematologist
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute
New Delhi
iv MCQs in Hematology
Narender Tejwani
DM (Hematopathology)
Associate Consultant
Jaypee Hospital, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Nitin Gupta
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Fellowship BMT (Canada)
Consultant, Clinical Hematology
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
New Delhi
Preeti Sinha
MD (Psychiatry, AIIMS)
Assistant Professor
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
(Lt Col) Rajan Kapoor
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Consultant Clinical Hematologist
Army Hospital R & R
New Delhi
(Lt Col) Rajiv Kumar
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Consultant Clinical Hematologist
Army Hospital R & R
New Delhi
Rakhi Maiwall
DM (Gastroenterology)
Associate Professor
ILBS, New Delhi
Sandeep Kumar Sharma
Umea University, Sweden
Sanjana Maiwall
Federal Bank, Mumbai
Smritipriya Sharma
Scientist, CSIR-IITR
Uttar Pradesh
We are thankful to all our colleagues who supported us in completing this MCQs book
Sonal Jain
DM (Hematopathology)
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute
New Delhi
Sudhir Kumar
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Associate Professor
PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana
Sujata Sharma
MSc MTech
UltraTech Limited
New Delhi
(Lt Col) Suman Kumar
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Consultant Clinical Hematologist
Command Hospital
(Eastern Command), Kolkata
Sunil Gupta
DM (Clinical Hematology)
Associate Consultant
Medanta Hospital
Gurgaon, Haryana
Sweta Kothari
DNB (Medicine)
Fellow BMT 1st year
BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
Teena Dadu
DNB (Pathology)
BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
Vipin Khandelwal
MD (Pediatrics)
FNB (Pediatric Hemato-oncology)
Attending Consultant
BLK Superspeciality Hospital
New Delhi
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