Many benefits can be derived from consuming less sugar.
The health benefits include less weight gain, better
digestion, and even longer life. If you are concerned about
how much sugar you consume, consider choosing low
sugar gummy bears instead of regular ones.
There are also low sugar gummy bears that are made with
sugar substitutes. You can purchase these in different
flavors, or you can make your own at home by combining
a few of the ingredients. Be sure to take the time to mix
the low sugar gummy bear mixture well to ensure that all
ingredients are well-balanced and safe to use.
Preparing Low Sugar Gummy Bears at Home
Low sugar gummy bears can be made at home using any
food processor. You can make them just as you would
create a cookie. Just mix the dry ingredients and add in
the sweetener, if any. If you do not know how to make a
gummy bear, it is easy to find some recipe information