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Text : Democracy
The word ‘’democracy’’ comes from the Greek language and means’’ rule of people’’.
As the word is normally used, it refers to a government where people help direct the work of the
government. Every citizen in a democracy has a vote equal to that of his fellow citizen. Political
democracy has appeared in two general forms. A democratic government can be one in which all the
people meet to decide the policy of the government and elect officials to carry it out. This is known as
direct democracy and is found only in a few local governments. In the second type, the people elect
representatives to carry out their wishes. This is representative democracy. Personal freedom is an
essential feature of democracy. People have freedom of speech, movement, association and religion.
The press must be free to report the truth. There must be laws. For a democracy to succeed, people
must be well informed and participate actively in public affairs.
I. Comprehension questions (7pts)
1. What is democracy ?
2. What are the two forms of democracy?
3. What can make a democracy successful?
4. Give the essential features of democracy.
5. What are the rights of a citizen in a democracy?
II. Linguistic competence
A. Choose the correct word in parentheses to make a good sentence (8pts)
1. The robber (had caught, will caught, has been caught) by the police.
2. My cousin ( goes, gone, went) to Europe last year.
3. Could I have (many, a few, a little) sugar for my coffee ?
4. He has been driving (ago, since, for) 1956.
5. While Kader (has written, was writing, writes) a letter, the telephone rang.
6. Issa (is growing, had grown, grows) millet on his farm every year.
7. The invitation (has accepted, has been accepted, accepted) by the President.
8. As soon as Binta(comes, will come, came) we will eat lunch.
9. We (had lived, have lived, lived) in Dosso from 1999 to 2004.
10. If Ali (is, were, was) here we would win the match.
11. I (am reading, was reading, read) when he knocked at my door.
12. Only(a few, a little, many) people came to the meeting yesterday.
13. Fati will visit us if she (had, has, had had) time.
14. There are(few, little, much) apples in the basket.
15. Water (boils, is boiling, boil) at 100˚c.
16. My father would have bought a car if he (has had,have had, had had) money.
B. Change the following sentences into active or passive voice. (5pts).
1. Meat and rice are eaten by Halima every day.
2. The cat drank the milk yesterday.
3. People said that Ali is polite
4. Sani has killed the Lion.
5. Close the window.
Best of Luck!!
English TEST
January 2020
Subject : English
Timing: 2 hours
Level: 3em
Text: Sciences in our lives
Is science important? Has science helped make our lives easier? Look at some examples. When
our grandfathers want to go to Mecca or Dakar, they had many problems. They had to walk or to go
by donkey, camel or horse. It took months or years for them to arrive. Science has given us cars and
airplanes. We can go to other cities, countries or continents in a few hours. Our grandfathers didn’t
know what was happening in other countries. Now, because science has given us radio, television
and telephones, we can see and hear what is happening in Nigeria, South Africa, France, Canada, and
other countries. We can talk on telephone with people in Senegal, America or China. Science has also
given us electricity and machines that make our work easier. Women don’t have to pound their
millet every day. They can take it to a machine. Science has given us new medicine to help us when
we are sick. It has helped farmers develop better plants so we have more and better food to eat.
These are just a few examples of how science has helped us. Do you think science is important?
Read the text carefully and answer these questions in complete sentences (5pts)
1. Is science important or dangerous for our life? Justify your answer.
2. Which problem did our grand fathers encounter before science?
3. Cite Two (2) means of information provide by science.
4. How did science make our work easier?
5. Cite Two (2) means of transportation provide by science.
Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer in the bracket and complete the sentence. (5pts)
1. We (had lived, have lived, lived) in Dosso from 1999 to 2004.
2. If Ali (is, were, was) here we would win the match.
3. He stole his father’s money. He(might have, should have, shouldn’t have) done it.
4. Fati will visit us if she (had, has, had had) time.
5. The (oldest, older, elder) he gets, the (more, less, most) he works.
6. I’m very thirsty. (Must, Should, May, Ought) I have something to drink?
7. 00/20 is (the best, worse, the worst) grade.
8. Where (are, were, was) we going when we saw him?
9. An hour is (longer, as long as, less long) sixty minutes.
Exercise 2 : Translate into French the passage from’’Now, because ………millet every day’’
(2nde A only)(5pts)
Writing : Write a paragraph about the effects of a mobile phone on youth education in Niger.
These questions will serve you as guide lines.(5pts)
1. What is a mobile phone?
2. Why do we use it?
3. What are the advantages of a mobile phone for young?
4. What are the disadvantages of a mobile phone for young?
Best of Luck !!!
English TEST
January 2020
Subject : English
Timing: 2 hours
Level: 2nde A/C
English TEST
January 2020
Subject : English
Timing: 2 hours
Level: 1ere A/D
Text: The Education of girls
Women are one half of mankind, and yet it is only recent years that the education of girls has
begun to receive the attention it deserves. We have to admit that the backwardness of girls’ education in
Africa as in the others countries has been largely due to the belief that women are in most ways inferior
to men.
For thousands of years, men have believed not only that the proper place for women is the
house, but that homes can be well managed by ignorant women .Behind this view lurks the fear that
educated wives and daughters might be disobedient and neglect the children and the husband’s dinner
Today, several influences are changing these old fashioned attitudes towards women. First, African
women who have been fortunate to have a good education have proved their abilities in several walks of
life. Second, the new desire of educated men to have educated wives as partners in homes, and
educated mothers for their children.
Many people agreed with Doctor Aggrey when he said” when you educate a man, you educate an
individual but when you educate a woman, you educate a family’’.
Answer these questions with complete sentences(5pts)
6. Traditionally what is the role of girls in African societies?
7. Why it is said that the best place of women is the home?
8. Why do people refuse to send their daughters to school?
9. According to the text why are the old believes changing towards women?
10. Do you think the best place for girls is at home or at school?Justify.
A. Choose the correct answer in bracket and complete the sentence. (5pts)
10. We (had lived, have lived, lived) in Dosso from 1999 to 2004.
11. If Ali (is, were, was) here we would win the match.
12. (It’s a long , it’s nearly, it’s the first) time I have been late for school.
13. Fati will visit us if she (had, has, had had) time.
14. The (oldest, older, elder) he gets, the (more, less, most) he works.
15. Water (boils, is boiling, boil) at 100˚c.
16. 00/20 is (the best, worse, the worst) grade.
17. Where (are, were, was) we going when we saw him?
18. An hour is (longer, as long as, less long) sixty minutes.
B. Translate into French the passage from’’ Today………you educate a family’’ (1ere A only)(5pts)
C. Guided composition: Girls’ education (5pts)
Make a good paragraph by answering to these questions.
1. What is girls education?
2. What were the girls roles in your society before?
3. Why do people refuse to send their daughters to school?
4. Why do people change their believes now?
5. Is the government helping the girls education in Niger?
Text: Young People and smoking
Young People are smoking for various reasons. Some of them smoke to show that they have
grown up. Some smoke because they are imitating their peers. And others smoke because of bad
Smoking, according to medical doctors is very dangerous, no matter the reasons that cause an
individual to do it. It is said the cigarette and the drugs have become a particular concern in many
countries of the world today. Cigarette and drugs cause a lot of health hazards that are ignored by
The risk of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are increased by smoking and drugs addiction. When you
smoke, you render your lungs vulnerable to tuberculosis. Your lungs lose their vitality thereby
causing problems in your respiratory track. You become thin, weak and you may be unconscious. The
accumulation of nicotine in your organism becomes toxic and this leads to the destruction of your
respiratory organs. Smokers end up becoming drug addicts. Drug addiction is a dangerous phase of
the smoking process. Addicts may use syringes to inject drugs in their bodies. This is the way they can
easily get contact with infected blood. It has also been realized that most criminals today are the
products of drugs addiction. So stop smoking for your health and social well- being.
I. Reading comprehension.
Answer these questions base on the text with complete sentences. 5pts
1. Why do young people smoke?
2. According to the text, why is smoking dangerous?
3. How do people know smoking is dangerous?
4. How is smoking related to HIV/AIDS?
5. What is the long term effect of smoking?
II. Linguistic competences.
Choose the correct answer in bracket and rewrite the sentence. 10pts
1. We (had lived, have lived, lived) in Dosso from 1999 to 2004.
2. If Ali (is, were, was) here we would win the match.
3. (It’s a long , it’s nearly, it’s the first) time I have been late for school.
4. Fati will visit us if she (had, has, had had) time.
5. A kilo of rice is(heavier than, as heavy as, the heaviest) a kilo of cotton.
6. Water (boils, is boiling, boil) at 100˚c.
7. 00/20 is (the best, worse, the worst) grade.
8. Where (are, were, was) we going when we saw him?
9. An hour is (longer, as long as, less long) sixty minutes
10. My father would have bought a car if he (has had, have had, had had) money.
11. Guided composition.5pts
Smoking is dangerous for our health. What other bad habit do you know?
In a paragraph of 150 words write about it. Use these questions as guidelines.
- What is the habit?
- Why is it bad?
- What do you think about that habit?
Best of Luck!!!
English TEST
January 2020
Subject : English
Timing: 2 hours
Level: TD
1 / 4 100%


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