for all iand j; in other words, the {ui}span the degenerate part and the {ei}and {fi}
are a standard basis for the non-degenerate part. They should remind you of position
and momentum in quantum mechanics. We have that k+ 2n= dim V. If k= 0, Ω
is non-degenerate and is called symplectic. Note that this can only happen if dim Vis
even. Recall what non-degeneracy means for forms on a vector space: given any form
(linear map) β:V×V→Rwe can curry and get a map
the exponential transpose, given by
β1(u)(v) = β(u, v)
(and similarly ˜
β2by currying in the second slot first). Thus there are exact sequences
0→ker ˜
βi→V→V∗→coker ˜
If Vis finite-dimensional, then if either of the ˜
βiis injective, then so is the other, and
βis called nondegenerate. Then each ˜
βiis an injective map from a finite-dimensional
vector space to another vector space of the same dimension, hence an isomorphism (of
Vwith its dual V∗). None of this uses any symmetry assumption on β. Returning
to the case of Ω, we notice that the skew-symmetry means that ˜
β2, so that it
does little difference in which slot we curry. What is important is that a non-degenerate
form gives a way to identify a vector space with its dual; this will be used extensively in
what follows. It is also necessary to be able to check non-degeneracy of a form. For this
purpose it is convenient to exhibit the form as a matrix, writing
Ω(u, v) = Ωij uivj.
Then Ω is non-degenerate (as a form) if and only if Ωij is nonsingular (as a matrix). This
is equivalent to its determinant being non-zero, which is equivalent to the top exterior
power of Ω being non-zero.
Differential forms
Turning to differential forms, a 2-form ωon a manifold Mis called symplectic if it
is closed (dω = 0) and each ωpis a symplectic form on the tangent space TpM, for
every point p∈M. The data (M, ω) of a manifold and a symplectic 2-form is called a
symplectic manifold. A choice of ωon a given Mis called a symplectic structure. Since
non-degenerate symplectic forms only exist on even-dimensional vector spaces, only even-
dimensional manifolds admit a symplectic structure. This condition is necessary but not
sufficient. For example, the standard area 2-form on the 2-sphere S2is symplectic; it
is non-degenerate, and is automatically closed since S2is two-dimensional. In fact, no
other sphere admits a symplectic structure.
In view of the observation made in the previous section that ωpis non-degenerate if
and only if ∧nωis non-zero, i.e. if it is a volume form, one may alternatively define