Alexis Karpouzos
Alexis Karpouzos is a writer. In the last
15 years, he has created ink.Lab, an
open space-time of thought and action
that aspires to create an dierent expe-
rience in education and culture. In the
self-organised ink.Lab, a number of
workshops are running. Workshops of
apprenticeship and reection in which the members are edu-
cated in various cognitive objects, such as philosophy, theoreti-
cal linguistics, theory of literature, social and political sci-
ences, theoretical physics, logic and mathematics, formative
and visual arts.
-Introduction to philosophy of Understanding, e adventure of
human emancipation, Free Press
-e Philosophy of Nature, Free Press
-e languages of the world, e worlds of language, ink.Lab
-ought and language into the ancient greeks times, ink.Lab
Upcoming publications
-Time and ought
-From the poetic thinking of pre-socratic philosophers to the
absolute spirit of Hegel
-Technique and Time