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Mammogram Classification using
Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix
for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Khaddouj Taifi, TIAD Laboratory, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Naima Taifi, EREIM Laboratory, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Mohamed Fakir, TIAD Laboratory, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Said Safi, LIMATI Laboratory, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Mammography is a well-known method used for the detection of breast cancer and detection. it is an
essential step in computer-aided diagnosis systems (CAD); it’s can be very helpful for radiologist in
detection and diagnosing abnormalities earlier and faster than traditional screening programs. In this area
many researchers worked for developing algorithms to analyze these images and may also assist doctors
make decisions.
This paper presents an evaluation of the performance of the feature extraction using Gray-Level Co-
occurrence Matrix to all the detailed coefficients the Discrete Wavelet transform (DWT) and
Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) of the region of interest (ROI) of a mammogram were used
to decompose an ROI into several scale. The detection of masses is more difficult than the detection of
microcalcifications due to the similarity between masses and background tissue as F - Fatty, G - Fatty-
glandular and D - Dense-glandular, we investigated the application of multiresolution texture features to
reduce false positive detection in a computerized mass detection program. We also evaluated the robustness
of the classification model by studying its performance with various feature training/test by accuracy
measures and to validate the efficacy of the suggested scheme, simulation has been carried out using MIAS
A classifier system based on K- Nearest -Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used. The
accuracy measures are computed with respect to normal, abnormal for MIAS database these accuracy
measures are 94.12% and 88.89% respectively with SVM and KNN by Nonsubsampled Contourlet
Transform but the accuracy measures are 76 % with SVM and KNN by Discrete Wavelet transform. The
best results from all the transforms NSCT and GLCM the Fatty tissues are always obtained for
=0 and
distance the GLCM d=1 and for the comparison between NSCT and DWT the results shows that the NSCT
gives the good result that dwt for all orientation.
Keywords: Mammogram, NSCT, DWT, GLCM, Mass, SVM, KNN, MIAS, Accuracy, Texture analysis
Currently, breast cancer is the first cancer for women in worldwide and its incidence is increasing,
Therefore, the search for an analyzing images of the breast to aid system diagnostic attract the attention of
many researchers. There are, at present, a number of techniques used for the medical imaging for breast
cancer diagnosis are: Ultrasound (imaging ultrasound), IRM imaging (Magnetic resonance) and
mammography. Various studies have confirmed this is the detection of early stage breast cancer may
improve prognosis. mammography technique remains the essential detecting breast, the most efficient in
monitoring and early detection of breast cancer. It helps to highlight potential radiological signs such as
suspicious opacities which can translate from malignant lesions. However, despite significant progress in
terms of equipment, all radiologists recognize the difficulty of interpreting mammograms which further
increased by the type of breast tissue examined. Mammographic images show a contrast between the two
main constituents of the breast fatty tissue and connective-brous matrix. In general, it is extremely difficult
to define normality of mammographic images: Indeed, the appearance of the mammary gland is extremely
variable depending on the patient’s age and the period during which the mammogram is done.
Many researchers have proposed the algorithms for mass. (S. Beura et al., 2015), presented an approach
for Mammogram classification using two dimensional discrete wavelet transform and gray-level co-
occurrence matrix for detection of breast cancer. (Yu. Zhang et el., 2010) presented a novel segmentation
method for identifying mass regions in mammograms. For each ROI, an enhancement function was applied
proceeded with a filters. Next, energy features based on the co-occurrence matrix of pixels were computed.
(P. Rahmati et el., 2009) presented a region-based active contour approach to segment masses
in digital mammograms. The algorithm used a Maximum Likelihood approach based on the
calculation of the statistics of the inner and the outer region. (M.M. Eltoukhy et al., 2010) presented an
approach for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram using curvelet transform. After decomposing
the mammogram images in curvelet basis, a special set of the biggest coefficients is extracted as feature
The literature survey reveals about the existing classification schemes for digital mammogram images.
However, most of them are not able to provide a good accuracy. In this paper, we have proposed an effective
feature extraction algorithm using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transformation based multiresolution
analysis and the Wavelet transform Discrete along with gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) to
compute texture features for mammographic images. use these significant features, a SVM and KNN have
been used as classifier to predict the mammogram, whether it is a normal or abnormal. In addition, the
severity with respect to malignant or benign is also estimated in abnormal cases. The flow chart for proposed
extraction and classification is shown in (see Figure 1). The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 deals with the proposed scheme, where extraction of features and classification is discussed in
detail. Section 3 describes the experimental results and analysis. Section 4 gives the concluding remarks.
Figure1. block diagram of the proposed scheme for classification of mammograms using SVM and KNN
Extraction of region of interest (ROI)
It may be noted that Mammography images are often affected by different types of noise that are due to
acquisition parameters, such as the exposure time and the strength of compression of the breast, artifacts in
their background. The object area also contains the pectoral muscles. A human visual system can easily
ignore these artifacts in the interpretation, this is not the case in an automated system and these artifacts
may interfere with the interpretation process. More recently, work on the extraction of the breast area and
removal of artifacts in mammography (M. Wirth et al.,2005; L. Belkhodja et al., 2009; J. Nagi et al.,2011)
have proven their effectiveness in the development of an automatic diagnostic aid in mammography.
All these areas are unwanted portions for the texture analysis due to which the full mammographic image
is unsuitable for feature extraction and subsequent classification. Therefore, a cropping operation has been
applied on mammogram images to extract the regions of interests (ROIs) which contain the abnormalities,
excluding the unwanted portions of the image.
We used in our work based images “MIAS”:http://peipa.essex.ac.uk/ipa/pix/mias/ and the following link
provide information on the nature, location the of abnormality present http:
//peipa.essex.ac.uk/info/mias.html. The link above gives you the center of clusters the abnormal area as
the center of ROI as shown in (see Figure 2). From the center you can extract regions of interest. Original
images are of size 1024 ×1024, the regions of interest can be either 256 × 256, 128 ×128 or 64 ×64
depending on your choice.
Figure2. Cropping of ROI from mammographic image referring the center of the abnormal area
For the extraction of normal ROI, the same cropping procedure is performed on normal mammographic
images with random selection of location. Thus, in this phase, the ROIs extracted are free from the
background information and noises. Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 show some extracted ROIs containing
different classes of abnormality the different type tissues present in mammograms.
Figure3. Mammographic ROIs of MIAS database. a, b and c of ROIs represent normal, malignant and
benign classes respectively the Fatty tissues
Figure4. Mammographic ROIs of MIAS database. a, b and c of ROIs represent normal, malignant and
benign classes respectively the Fatty-glandular tissues
Figure5. Mammographic ROIs of MIAS database. a, b and c of ROIs represent normal, malignant and
benign classes respectively the Dense-glandular tissues
Discrete Wavelet Transform
One of the multiresolution analysis tools that has been widely used in image processing is wavelet analysis.
Originally proposed in the form of Mallat's pyramidal algorithm, an image can be successfully decomposed
into detail sub-bands at different level of resolutions. The decomposition was done by filtering the images
using pair of low pass (G) and high pass (H) filter, followed by down sampling of factor of 2, first along
rows and columns (see Figure 6). This decomposition is known as 2-dimensional (2D) separable discrete
wavelet transform (DWT). Our detection method decomposes the original image into sub-bands with low-
low Approximation (LL), low-high vertical (LH), high-low horizontal (HL), and high-high diagonal (HH)
components (see Figure 6). In the overall system the LL sub-band is further decomposed into another four
sub-bands. Three stages of decomposition are necessary because. The lowest frequency sub-band that is
generated is set to zero, since the other sub-bands contain the high frequency information
microcalcifications and masses. After this decomposition stage, we obtain then an image that contains only
the high frequency information see (S. G. Mallat., 1989; M. Vetterli et al., 1992).
Figure6. Filter bank implementation of 2-D wavelet transform
Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transformation
(MN. Do et all., 2005) proposed the contourlet transform as a directional multiresolution image
representation that can efficiently capture and represent smooth object boundaries in natural images. The
contourlet transform is constructed as a combination of the Laplacian pyramid (Lu. Yue et al., 2006) and
the directional filter banks (DFB) (PJ. Burt et al., 19983). The contourlet transform can efficiently capture
the intrinsic geometric structures such as contours in an image and can achieve better expression of image
than the wavelet transform. Moreover, it is easily adjustable for detecting fine details in any orientation
along curvatures, which results in more potential for effective analysis of images.
However, the contourlet transform is lack of shift-invariance due to the down sampling and up sampling,
in 2006, Cunha et al. proposed the nonsubsampled contourlet transformation (NSCT) (RH. Bamberger et
al.,1992) which is a fully shift-invariant, multiscale, and multidirectional expansion that has better
directional frequency localization and a fast implementation. NSCT consists of two filter banks, i.e. the
nonsubsampled pyramid filter bank (NSPFB) and the nonsubsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB) as
shown in (see Figure 7.a), which split the 2-D frequency plane in the sub-bands illustrated in (see Figure
7.b). The NSPFB provides nonsubsampled multi-scale decomposition and captures the point
discontinuities. The NSDFB provides nonsubsampled directional decomposition and links point
discontinuities into linear structures.
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