Introduction to optimization
and operations research (2019–2020)
Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire, Teaching assistants: Nourelhouda Dougui, Stefano Bortolomiol
Simplex – correction (18 October 2019)
Solution of question 2:
1. There are two basic variables. Recall that the columns corresponding
to the basic variables are composed of zeros, except one "one". In this
case, the basic variables are x1and x4. The position of the "one" in the
column of a basic variable identifies the corresponding row. Therefore,
the basic variable x1corresponds to row 1, and the basic variable x4
corresponds to row 2.
2. In order to identify the vertex xT= (x1, x2, x3, x4), we need to find
the values of x1,x2,x3and x4. We know that the non basic variables
are equal to zero: x2=x3= 0. Also, the value of each basic variable
is found in the rightmost column of the row that identifies the basic
variable: x1= 2 and x4= 4. Therefore, xT= (2,0,0,4).
3. The value in the lower-right part of the tableau is equal to the oppo-
site of the objective function value. Therefore, the objective function
value is −4. Alternatively, the value of the objective function can be
calculated as the scalar product cTx:
cTx=−2−1 0 0
4. The reduced costs can be found in the lower-left part of the tableau.
The reduced cost for x2is −3. It is negative, meaning that the objec-
tive function decreases along the corresponding basic direction. The
reduced cost for x3is 2. It is positive, meaning that the objective
function increases along the corresponding basic direction.
5. We consider the basic solution where x1and x4are in the basis:
The basic entries of the basic directions are found in the top-left part