(a) min xs.t. 0≤x≤1. The unique solution is x∗=0, which is on
a vertex.
(b) min x1+x2, s.t. x1, x2≥0. The unique solution is x1=x2=0,
which is on a vertex.
(c) min x1+2x2s.t. x1+2x2≤4,x1, x2≥0. The unique solution is
x1=x2=0, which is on a vertex.
(d) max x1+2x2s.t. x1+2x2≤4, x1, x2≥0. Note that it is
a maximization problem. All solutions such that x1+2x2=4
and x1, x2≥0are optimal. In particular, the solutions x1=0,
x2=2and x1=4,x2=0are optimal, and are on a vertex of the
polyhedron. But the solution x1=2,x2=1is also optimal, and
is not on a vertex.
(e) max xs.t. 0≤x≤1. The unique solution is x=1, which is on a
(f) max x1+x2s.t. x1, x2≥0. This problem is not bounded, and has
no optimal solution.
5 Step along the direction
1. The length of the step αto perform along the basic direction dpis
determined using exactly one of the following conditions.
•The gradient at x+αdpis zero. No, the gradient is constant and
always equal to c. Therefore, except for a trivial problem where
c=0, the gradient is never zero.
•α=1. No, the value one is arbitrary.
•αis equal to the reduced cost associated with dp. No, the re-
duced cost is the slope, the directional derivative, of the objective
function in the direction dp.
•αcorresponds to the first constraint that is activated. Yes,
we follow the descent direction dpas far as we can, which is when
the first constraint is met. Beyond, the iterate would become
•αcorresponds to the last constraint that is activated. No, it must
be the first, as discussed above.
•There are m+1variables in the basis at x+αdp. No, there are
always mvariables in the basis.