Doc. No.: TKO AS2
Revision: 8
Page: 2/6
The function of flexible Choke and Kill lines is defined in API Spec 16C §9.14. as follows: “Choke and
Kill lines are an integral part of the surface and subsea blowout prevention equipment required for
drilling well control. The kill line provides a means of pumping fluid into the wellbore, when normal
circulation trough the drill string cannot be employed. The choke and kill line and manifold provide a
means of applying back pressure on the formation while circulation out formation fluid influx into the
wellbore following a "kick".”
The flexible Choke and Kill (C & K) hoses are designed and produced in general for topside application.
For subsea application the user must specify the differential external pressure requirement already at
the inquiry and later at the order.
These flexible hoses are made with fittings at each end.
- API Spec. 16 C: This is a specification for all of the equipment on a choke and kill system. The
API Spec. 16 C has several drafts and a final issue. The API standard indicates that it doesn't
inhibit from purchasing products to other specifications. e.g. the authority Det Norske Veritas
gives approval only for the hoses, which are produced according to the final API Spec 16C
- ContiTech Rubber can produce according to API Spec. 16 C and API Spec. 16 C Draft 07C.
The choices for the suitable standard or the draft standard are the task of user. Before the order is
given the user has to study and approve the selected standard. The present instruction could be used
for both type of kill and choke hoses.
Guidelines for the selection of Choke and Kill lines based on API Spec 16C para. 1.3: "Choke and kill
Systems are mobile and are moved to different areas, all service conditions they may be exposed to
cannot be defined in this document. However if severe corrosion, abrasion, temperatures or high levels
of sour gas are expected, the user and manufacturer shall jointly address the requirements and
determine the suitable product for the application."
If the user can't define the technical parameters of the unexpected kicks at uninvestigated oilfields, then
a decision has to be made for the hoses acc. to API Spec 16C. If the user can define the technical
parameters and there is no gas service with rapid decompressions during the lifetime of the hose
(except some gas bubbles which run only in seconds through the hoses), then hoses acc. to API Spec.
16C Draft 07/C can be ordered.
The purpose of the short instruction is to inform the users about the most important special knowledge
for the use of the hoses. A more detailed general publication for the handling, inspection and use -if it is
not yet present at the user- can be requested at the following address:
ContiTech Beattie Ltd.
Jubilee Industrial Estate
Ashington, Northumberland NE63 8UB England
Phone: +44 1670 528 700; Fax: +44 1670 520 535