Multitudes of location/position based forwarding techniques in VANETs were designed in order to
ensure a highly reliable data exchange and to avoid network resources degradation. Smart
Broadcast (SB) [4] uses a distance based forwarding technique electing the farthest node in the
communication range of the emitter as a relay based on blackburst. Korkmaz et al. proposed two
designs; Urban Multi-hop Broadcast (UMB) [2] that uses a continuous message exchange to
calculate distances between communicating nodes and elect the farthest one as a relay. The other
design is Ad hoc Multi-hop Broadcast (AMB), which is an improvement of UMB electing the closest
node to an intersection as a relay to a particular section of the road. Another scheme, Fast Broadcast
(FB) [5] uses an adaptation of the waiting time before rebroadcasting by giving the farthest vehicle
in the communication range a higher priority to relay the message. REAR [6] considers the Packet
Reception Rate (PRR) as a main metric to guaranty, but does not offer any bound on data forwarding
delays. GVGrid [7] rely on categorizing communicating vehicles based on their speed, heading, by
constructing a cluster of vehicles depending on their proximity to each other. Naumov et al.
introduced Connectivity Aware Routing (CAR) [8], which by pre-establishing the dissemination path
guarantees lower delays. It uses HELLO messages exchange from the source to the destination
and on the reverse path to construct a routing route similarly to AODV. Position-Based Adaptive
Broadcast (PAB) [9] integrates a design to overcome network disconnections by implementing a
store-and-forward scheme used in case of links breakage. It uses position and speed information to
construct a global routing map in the network. DTSG [10] introduces another approach of geo-
casting, called time-stable as it acts on the time when messages are geo-casted. DTSG integrates
the idea of helping vehicles navigate in the opposite direction. However, geo-casting needs a
continuous exchange of control messages containing location and positioning information. Ayaida
et al. in [11] presented a highly interesting concept combining routing protocol with location-based
services for a hybrid and hierarchical geographic routing protocol. In such schemes, the messages
are forwarded using the last receiver updated position.
All the aforementioned two techniques rely on an accurate location and distance measurement
information exchange. Meanwhile, the actual positioning accuracy is measured in meters and that
the maximum achievable positioning accuracy is within 1m and needs heavy equipment such as
RTK systems [12]. It is worth noting also that a distance estimation error can be result of a multitude
of factors such as an estimation error in a sensor, the used positioning algorithm accuracy, or the
impact of environment on the received signals from GPS satellite or fixed reference points. The latter
estimation error can have a negative effect on the communication scheme and that effect is
proportional to the dependency between the communication scheme and the accuracy of the
location information. In this paper, we are discussing the impact of distances estimation errors on
the broadcast based communication schemes in VANETs. Our discussion will be only based on
theoretical analysis through three main criteria; 1) the network connectivity, 2) the packet reception
rate (PRR) and 3) the end-to-end delivery delay (E2E).
The remainder of this paper is organized as follow; Section II presents the impact of the distances
measurement errors on the network connectivity. Section III introduces the latter errors impact on
network performances in term of E2E delay and PRR and presents some theoretical results. Finally,
section IV concludes the document.
II-Impact of the distance estimation errors on the network connectivity
Geocast techniques are the most vulnerable dissemination techniques to the errors induced in the
location determination. They rely on such information in order to privilege messages dissemination
in a particular direction on broadcast it to a specific geographic region. They use a multitude of
relays in order to transport the message directly to the interested receiver or to a close relay that
will broadcast the message in the nearby area of the potential receiver. The selection of such relays
is based on the construction of tables that contains location information exchanged between nodes
and depending on their proximity to the end receiver (inferred distance based on the receiver and
emitter location estimation). The inferred distance is then compared to the communication range
(CR) of the emitter and then a selection of the possible relay nodes is performed depending on the
selected criteria (minimum delay, maximum reliability, etc.). a choice based only on location