AS AQA stimulus skills

AS AQA stimulus skills
The AS oral: 15 minutes
-stimulus: 5 minutes (2 cards given to you-pick one)
-chosen topic: 3 minutes (nominated in advance- cue card produced in advance
for the examiner)
-remaining 2 topics: 3 ½ minutes each
• Television
• Advertising
• Communication technology
Popular culture
• Cinema
• Music
• Fashion trends
Healthy living
• Sport/exercise
• Health/well being
• holidays
Personal relationships
• Family
• Friendships
• Marriage/partnerships
The stimulus: 5 minutes
• 2 ½ minutes: printed questions – 5 marks
 first question: fairly short answer
 Do not give a lengthy description of the document
 Reminder of questions: give developed answers
 look for every opportunity to develop the points in
your preparation time.
• 2 ½ minutes: more general discussion- 5 marks
 Stay within the confines of the subtopic
 Also use preparation time to anticipate what the
examiner might ask you.
Stimulus: marks for
the first 2 ½ minutes!
Part 1 Discussion of stimulus card (AO2)
Mark In response to the stimulus questions
5 Develops a wide range of relevant points
4 Develops a number of relevant points
3 Some relevant points made but with little
2 Responses brief and lacking in development
0 - 1 No or very little meaningful response
Stimulus: marks for
the remaining 2 ½ minutes!
Mark In the more general discussion
5 Responds to all opportunities to express
and develop ideas and opinions
4 Some evidence of developing ideas and
3 Ideas and opinions are simplistic and
• 2 Meaningful ideas and opinions are rarely
• expressed
• 0 - 1 No or very little meaningful response
Developing a point
1st 5 minutes : grammatical showcase!
Ensure you include several high level
grammatical structures for example:
A “si” clause
A pluperfect
A conditional perfect
A future perfect
An expression with the subjunctive
A passive form
• De quoi s'agit-il?
• Il s’agit de…
• Il est question de…
• It’s about…
Giving examples:
• Par exemple, j’ai vu une
émission récemment où…
• J’ai un ami qui…
• Ce film… illustre bien ce
problème parce qu’il
• Imaginons la situation
• Si vous étiez à la la place
• For example, I recently saw
a program in which…
• I have a friend who…
• This film is a good
illustration of this problem
because it shows…
• Let’s imagine the following
• If you were in …’s shoes +
Giving reasons
Étant donné que
Vu que
En raison de
Face à/ devant
Grâce à
Pour de multiples raisons
Given that
Considering that
In view of
In the face of
Thanks to
For all sorts of reasons
Donner des opinions
Il me semble que
A mon sens/ selon moi
Pour ma part
J’estime que
Ce qui me preoccupe,
• Je suis d’accord
• Je ne suis pas d’accord
It seems to me that
As I see it
For my part
I feel that
What bothers me is…
• I agree
• I don’t agree
Malgré toute la publicité sur les dangers et les risques, l'abus d’alcool reste
un grand problème chez les jeunes Britanniques.
De quoi s'agit-il?
Pourquoi est-ce que les jeunes sont tentés par
l'alcool, à votre avis?
Si la publicité n'est pas efficace, comment estce qu'on peut les décourager de boire trop?
Est-ce que c'est l'alcool qui pose le plus grand
risque pour la santé, selon vous?
Comment est votre mode de vie?