Types de développement post-embryonnaire chez les Crustacés
(e) Freshwater cra5rfish: egg (incubated by female for 7-180
days); juvenile (clings to female until second or third moult
usually 2-25 days); juvenile to maturit5r (45-1095 days).
Développement indirect
(b) Caridean prawns and lobsters (the illustation shows
Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the adult is a male):
egg {incubated by the female for 2L-252 days}; zoea
(4-11 stages in 9-40 days); post-larva/juvenile
to maturiÇ (180-300 days).
Postlarve (Décapodite)
(a) Penaeid shrimp: egg (up to 24hrs); nauplius (5-6 stages
in2-3 days); protozoea (3 stages in 3-4 days); mysis
(3 stages in 3-5 days); post-larva (3-35 days
nuo"ry culture); juvenile to maturiÇ (182-300 days)'
Fost-larves )
(nombreux stades)
Embryon à l'éclosion
I)éveloppement direct
Crevettes Pénéides
Crevettes caridés
Larves (zoés)
femelle en ponte
Mysis(3) \\r(f