TFG hossaindelowarakther

MicroRNAs’ roles in epithelial-­‐mesenchymal transi)on in Breast Cancer Bibliographic Review-­‐UAB, Degree of Biochemistry Hossain Delowar Akther Hossain.mohammed@e-­‐ Introduc)on à EMT is the star)ng point of every metastases. à MicroRNAs have shown regula)on capacity over EMT. à MiR-­‐10b and MiR-­‐21 are oncogenic. MiR-­‐125b can be both oncogenic and tumour suppressor. Objec)ves à Understanding their mechanisms to regulate EMT in Breast cancer. à Exemplify microRNAs’ applica)ons as therapeu)c approaches and biomarkers Biogenesis on microRNAs and their func)on Epithelial-­‐Mesenchymal Transi)on (EMT) Mesenchymal-­‐Epithelial Transi)on (MET) Epithelial-­‐Cell Mesenchymal-­‐Cell Cell-­‐cell juncFons Apico-­‐basal polarity E-­‐Cadherins CytokeraFns CorFcal AcFns Cell-­‐EMC juncFons Front-­‐back polarity N-­‐Cadherins VimenFns Image obtained and modified from [1] Regulatory systems of microRNAs, their targets and how they affect on EMT Oncogenic Pathway in tumour suppressor microRNA Therapeu)c approaches: delivery of Tumor suppressor miRs or An)-­‐miRs to inhibit metastases. Use of liposomes to deliver Biomarkers for Breast cancer antImiR-­‐10b and PTX (cytotoxic drug) into tumoural cells. Use of uPA as ligand in liposomes’ surface for specific delivery into cells expressing uPAR. Image obtained and edited from [3] Conclusions à  MicroRNAs have shown a regulatory capacity over EMT as well as metastases either promo)ng or inhibi)ng them. à  Therapeu)c approaches s)ll need to improve in specificity and delivering capacity but, in a future they would be a great subs)tute to chemotherapy. à  Due to their proper)es, they are regarded as good biomarkers but it is need to achieve a consensus over the meaning of their altera)ons. References 1-­‐Winter, J., Jung, S., Keller, S., Gregory, R. I. & Diederichs, S. Many roads to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and their regulaFon. Nat. Cell Biol. 11, 228–234 (2009). 2-­‐van Schooneveld, E. et al. DysregulaFon of microRNAs in breast cancer and their potenFal role as prognosFc and predicFve biomarkers in paFent management. Breast Cancer Res. 17, 1–15 (2015). 3-­‐Zhang, Q. et al. Simultaneous delivery of therapeuFc antagomirs with paclitaxel for the management of metastaFc tumors by a pH-­‐responsive anF-­‐microbial pepFde-­‐mediated liposomal delivery system. J. Control. Release 197, 208–218 (2015). 
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