Charlotte Bourquin
Foreword and acknowledgements
At the end of my studies at the HES-SO Valais/Wallis (degree program Tourism), I had the
great opportunity to do a one-year internship in New York, at Switzerland Tourism North
America. The mission of the Swiss National Tourism Board is to promote Switzerland as a
vacation, travel and congresses Destination throughout the United States and Canada.
During the entire year I was part of the Trade team who is in charge of relations and
marketing with the Tour Operators and Travel Agents. This includes the Marketing Alliances
business, topic of my thesis. I had the chance to participate at the Signature Travel Network
Annual Conference as well, one of Switzerland Tourism’s affiliations.
In agreement with Alexandra Imhof, District Manager Western USA based in Los Angeles
and Alex Herrmann, Director of Americas based in New York, I decided to take an interest in
the world of the Marketing Alliances and research the best future affiliation for the Company
as well as suggest a reusable assessment tool to help in the process of choosing. Switzerland
Tourism North America already has two partnerships with Marketing Alliances: Virtuoso and
Signature Travel Network. After investing considerable time and money in Virtuoso’s
agreement, Switzerland Tourism would like to dedicate part of it to a new Alliance or, if
interesting services available, to Signature Travel Network. I decided to benchmark the
different companies regarding criteria identified internally at Switzerland Tourism, compare
the best with Signature Travel Network and then see where the money would be worth
investing. The whole process is presented as a reusable tool for the future.
It is important to note that this study analyses the first version of offers received from the
Marketing Alliances. One call with the Representative of each company to precise what the
needs and goals of Switzerland Tourism are and a few email exchanges afterwards were the
only direct contacts. No negotiations were undertaken and therefore this study can be
viewed as the first round prior more discussions and changes. The main challenge of this
thesis was to use all the different facets of the performance criteria. When a money-related
criteria was analyzed, for example the mix Mmarketing-Education/Training, it was essential
to take into account the percentage of money invested obviously, but also the number of
activities included in this amount and the type of activity. Another challenge was the
unexpected news Signature Travel Network communicated at their annual conference in Las