Genomic characterisation of brain malignancies through liquid biopsies:

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Genomic characterisation of brain malignancies through liquid biopsies:
The cerebrospinal fluid-derived circulating tumour DNA better
represents the genomic alterations of brain tumours than plasma
Leticia De Mattos Arruda
Leticia De Mattos-Arruda PhD thesis
Genomic characterisation of brain malignancies through
liquid biopsies:
The cerebrospinal fluid-derived circulating tumour DNA better
represents the genomic alterations of brain tumours than plasma
Doctoral thesis at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Doctoral Program in
Medicine, Department of Medicine of UAB
for obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Leticia De Mattos Arruda, MD, Master UAB 2012-2013
Joan Seoane, PhD
Javier Cortes, MD, PhD
Josep Angel Bosch Gil, MD, PhD
Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology / Vall d’Hebron University Hospital
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, March 2016
Leticia De Mattos-Arruda PhD thesis
I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my thesis directors Professor Joan
Seoane and Dr Javier Cortes. I would like to thank them for encouraging my research and for
allowing me to grow as a clinician scientist. Their advice on both research as well as on my
career have been inestimable.
I would also like to thank my tutor, Dr. Josep Angel Bosch Gil, for making the interaction with the
university possible; and Dr. Josep Tabernero, for unrestrictive support during this journey.
I wish to express my warmest gratitude to all those colleagues and advisors whose comments,
criticisms, support and encouragement, personal and academic, have left a mark on this work. I
also wish to thank those institutions – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Cancer
Research UK Cambridge Institute that have supported me during the work on this thesis.
I would especially like to thank physicians, scientists, post-docs, technicians, nurses, study
coordinators, and assistants at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology / Vall d’Hebron University
Hospital and specially the departments of Medical Oncology/ Breast Cancer Unit/ Phase I Unit,
Neurosurgery, Pathology and Prof Seoane’s laboratory staff for the remarkable support when
we designed of the project, recruited patients, collected data, performed the experiments and
interpreted the data.
There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am to my mother, father, brother and sister
and grandmothers. I would also like to thank all of my friends who supported me, and
encouraged me to strive towards my goals.
Leticia De Mattos-Arruda PhD thesis
Table of contents
1. Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................4
2. Chapter 2: Capturing intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity by de novo mutation profiling of
circulating cell-free tumour DNA: a proof-of-principle........................................................6
Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................................10
3. Chapter 3: Cerebrospinal fluid-derived circulating tumour DNA better represents the
genomic alterations of brain tumours than plasma12
Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................................22
4. Chapter 4: Final Conclusions....24
5. References...25
6. Appendices .....33
7. Articles .55
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his own and that appropriate credit has been
given where reference has been made to the work of others.
This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no
quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.
Leticia De Mattos-Arruda PhD thesis
Chapter 1: Introduction
Cell-free tumour DNA
In medical oncology, the next generation or massively parallel sequencing of tumour
tissue biopsies in search of actionable somatic genomic alterations has become routine
practice. Although the information derived from tumour tissue biopsies can be informative, the
procurement of tumour tissue specimens poses challenges for the development of biomarkers.
Tumour biopsies are single portraits of the tumour in time, can be difficult to obtain, can be
costly and time consuming, and subject to selection bias resulting from tumour heterogeneity (1,
Blood-based circulating biomarkers, including circulating tumour cells (CTCs), cell-free
nucleic acids and exosomes, have been studied as ‘liquid biopsies’, that is, surrogates or
complementary biomarkers to overcome the drawbacks of invasive tissue biopsies (3). Recent
developments in massively parallel sequencing and digital genomic techniques have allowed for
interrogation of tumour-specific molecular alterations in the circulation and support the clinical
validity of cell-free circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) as a liquid biopsy in human cancer (4-17).
Plasma is known to carry small amounts of fragmented cell-free DNA of 160 to 180 base
pairs, which is likely to be originated from cancer cells through the process of necrosis and
apoptosis (18-20). Tumour-derived DNA is defined by the presence of genomic alterations, and
can be discerned from normal DNA, reassuring the specificity of these liquid biopsies as
biomarkers in cancer (20). CtDNA in plasma constitutes a non-invasive source of material that
may allow the identification of the genomic make-up of tumours and provides a new means for
studying cancer patients in terms of monitoring tumour burden, assessing the mechanisms of
therapeutic response and resistance, detecting minimal residual disease, and understanding
unresolved biologic puzzles presented by tumour heterogeneity and clonal evolution (4-17).
We have reported a proof-of-principle study in the field of liquid biopsies, which is going
to be an ancillary article analysed in this thesis entitled: “Capturing intra-tumour genetic
heterogeneity by de novo mutation profiling of circulating cell-free tumour DNA: a proof-
of-principle (10) published in Annals of Oncology in July 2014. This article is one of the first to
demonstrate that high-depth targeted massively parallel sequencing of plasma-derived ctDNA
constitutes a potential tool for de novo mutation identification and monitoring of somatic
genomic alterations during the course of targeted therapy, and this non-invasive tool may be
employed to overcome the challenges posed by tumour heterogeneity.
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