First I thank my supervisors, Drs. Bob G. Sanders and Kimberly Kline, for
their continuous scientific guidance, personal support, and encouragement
throughout my graduate studies. I am very lucky to have two great supervisors
like them.
I would also like to thank my committee members for their valuable
advice during my study. Thanks to Dr. Iyer for all the help on my microarray
study. Thanks to Dr. Huibregtse, and Dr. O’Halloran for their great scientific
I want to thank all my lab members. It has been a great pleasure to work
with such a nice group of researchers. Thanks to Li Jia, for her great help and
support both in my research and life. Thanks to Dr. Weiping Yu, for her scientific
suggestions and encouragement throughout my research. Thanks to Rachel M.
Snyder for her useful scientific discussions and help in animal research. Thanks to
Marla S. Menchaca for her continuous technical support in my research. Thanks
to Richa Tiwary, Dr. Ming-Chieh Shun, Wenjun Scott and Paul B. Latimer for
their help in my research. I also would like to thank John Mendenhall and Dr. Ti
Cao for their great help and useful suggestions in the nanoparticle study. Thanks
to Dr. Jian Gu for his generous help in the microarray study.
I sincerely thank my father, Baoquan Wang, my mother, Meiying Yao for
their selfishless love and life long support for my study. And last but not least, I
am very grateful to my husband, Zhanzhi Hu, for all his scientific suggestions,
encouragement and love.