African Cancer Leaders Institute
Institut Africain des Leaders en Cancérologie
Application Form
The goal of the AORTIC African Cancer Leaders Institute (ACLI) is to develop the next
generation of leaders in cancer research, advocacy, education, policy, and clinical practice
in Africa. ACLI will create a pathway for successful participants to demonstrate leadership
skills within the Organization by serving on AORTIC committees and Council.
The ACLI will develop activities for individuals who commit to provide leadership in cancer
for Africa. The ACLI will commission workshops, satellite meetings, exchanges, and other
activities to compliment the professional competencies of ACLI participants.
Examples of culturally appropriate leadership skills to be developed include:
Advocacy skills for interaction with policymakers in Ministries of Health and other
governmental bodies;
Relationship management and development of partnerships with academic, governmental
and non-governmental organisations;
Strategic planning;
Conflict management;
Management of gender and ethnicity issues;
Media relations, communications development and campaign management to improve
understanding of cancer among the African public, policymakers, and others;
Developing sustainable clinical practice, research and training initiatives, including funding
mechanisms; and
Organisational management skills such as professional groups or cancer associations.
Selection Criteria
Successful candidates for the ACLI will be individuals who show promise to lead initiatives
and activities related to cancer in Africa. Applicants can be at all levels of experience and
will be selected to represent a wide range of areas, including research, clinical practice,
advocacy, outreach, policy, and other areas relevant to the development of cancer
leadership in Africa. Eligible participants must be current residents of an African country.
Special consideration will be given to those individuals who are active in the African
Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC), and/or can provide a rationale
for how they will contribute to the development of AORTIC. Emphasis will be placed on
those who can demonstrate their interest and ability to commit to AORTIC and cancer
leadership activities over the long term. Candidates have to become a member of AORTIC
to be eligible.
ACLI Participation
ACLI participants will participate in the following ACLI-supported activities:
1. Communication with potential ACLI mentor before the Marrakech conference.