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Pumping systems from renewable energy occupy an important place, especially in
isolated sites. They can extract water from wells and boreholes at great depths, which
demands a great power. These systems require thorough technical and economic studies. Our
study in this thesis, is a comprehensive review of the various techniques of water pumping
including antique and modern one; establish energy and economic models of subsystems and
the whole system too; developing models for sizing and optimal energy management and
perform technical and economic analyses of different configurations and variations of such
power systems for renewable energy adopted for pumping water.
The Results of this study from a technical perspective show the flexibility of the
proposed system with variable energy demand during the year and with the variation of the
solar irradiation. From economic and environmental perspective, the results demonstrate
superiority of hybrid system compared to the diesel pumping system, notably in terms of cost
and effectiveness of the system.
Keywords: Water pumping, hybrid system, reliability, optimum, techno-economic analysis