patients with a low risk of recurrence who do not need
chemotherapy can avoid it, which will enhance patient
quality of life and save money for payers.
MammaPrint (Agendia Inc., Irvine, Calif), a 70-
gene profile microarray assay that was developed and is
used more frequently in Europe, reports results in a binary
mode: either high risk or low risk for recurrence. Mam-
maPrint uses fresh-frozen tumor tissues, which are avail-
able more frequently from procedures done in Europe,
whereas Oncotype DX uses tissues preserved in paraffin, a
typical procedure in the United States.
Two trials with the expressed purpose of examining
efficacy and providing level I evidence of Oncotype DX
and MammaPrint, the Trial Assigning Individualized
Options for Treatment (TAILORx) and the Microarray
in Lymph node-Negative Disease may Avoid Chemother-
apy (MINDACT) trial, respectively, currently are
However, full results from those trials are not
yet available, and decisions regarding quality of life and
costs need to be made in the interim.
Although previous economic analyses have been
conducted on GEP assays,
to our knowledge, only 1
study examined MammaPrint,
and we are not aware
of any studies that have compared the cost-effectiveness of
these 2 commercially available GEPs directly. The use of
GEP may have significant effects on patient outcomes,
medical services use, and costs. Much of the discussion
surrounding health care reform before and after the enact-
ment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
is centered on ways to create higher quality, more efficient
care and to reduce rising health care expenditures. Thus,
assessing the outcomes, use, and costs associated with
these genomic diagnostic tests is critical for future clinical
decision making. The objective of the current study was
to evaluate the cost effectiveness of treatment decisions
using Oncotype DX compared with treatment decisions
using MammaPrint from a third-party payer’s
Model Description
A 10-year Markov model was developed using Tree-Age
(TreeAge Software, Williamstown, Mass) to evaluate the
costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) associated
with using 2 GEP-guided treatment strategies: Oncotype
DX and MammaPrint. Patients were distributed into 3
mutually exclusive health states: no recurrence (disease-
free survival), recurrence, and death. The study was con-
ducted from a third-party payer’s perspective.
The model assumed a hypothetical cohort of 1000
patients with lymph node-negative, estrogen receptor-
positive breast cancer and simulated events for receiving
either of the 2 GEP tests (Fig. 1). All patients started with
a risk classification state based on an assessment by Adju-
vant! Online (Adjuvant, Inc., San Antonio, Tex). Subse-
quently, patients were reclassified into risk categories
based on the 2 GEP tests using reclassification probabil-
ities from the literature.
We compared each of
the 2 GEP tests with Adjuvant! Online, because both
strategies had been compared previously for analytic vali-
dation purposes with Adjuvant! Online in earlier stud-
In the first strategy, patients were offered
Oncotype DX, and their risk was reclassified using the RS.
For the second strategy, patient risk was reclassified
according to MammaPrint.
We assumed that each patient could only have 1 re-
currence. Once a patient enters a health state, the patient
will not progress to a better health state. A total simulated
time horizon of 10 years was conducted with 1 year con-
sidered as a cycle. During each Markov cycle, the patients
may remain disease-free or develop recurrence. Once
patients develop recurrence, they remain in the recurrence
state until they die from breast cancer. Costs and QALYs
are discounted at 3% in the base case. Patients may experi-
ence no, minor, major, or fatal toxicity from chemother-
apy. We also assumed that 90% of patients who were at
high risk according to both Adjuvant! Online and Onco-
type DX received chemotherapy, whereas 90% of patients
who were at low risk according to both Adjuvant! Online
and Oncotype DX did not receive chemotherapy. For
patients who experienced a conflicting result between Ad-
juvant! Online and Oncotype DX, 50% of the subpopula-
tion received chemotherapy. The same assumption was
applied to MammaPrint.
Probability of Risk Classification
Data on risk classification using Adjuvant! Online and
GEP tests were derived from the literature (Table 1).
For Strategy 1, in total, 668 patients were classified as ei-
ther low risk or high risk using Adjuvant! Online, and
they were reclassified as low risk or high/intermediate risk
using the RS. The intermediate-risk group was combined
with the high-risk group in the RS category. Of the 354
patients (52.99%) at low risk according to Adjuvant!
Online, 216 (61.02%) were reclassified as low risk, and
138 (39%) were reclassified as high risk using the RS. Of
the 314 patients (47.01%) at high risk according to Adju-
vant! Online, 122 (38.85%) were reclassified as low risk,
and 192 (61.15%) were reclassified as high risk using the
RS. For Strategy 2, in total, 302 patients were classified as
Original Article
5164 Cancer October 15, 2012