In November 2007, a global, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group,
phase III efficacy study (NCT00561470; VELOUR; EFC10262) began in patients who had previously failed
an oxaliplatin-based treatment for metastatic CRC (n = 1226). The study was to evaluate aflibercept in
combination with folinic acid, 5-FU and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) compared with placebo plus FOLFIRI. The
primary endpoint was overall survival, with secondary endpoints of PFS, tumor response rate, safety and
immunogenicity [880542], [959144], [1075390], [1186513]. In September 2010, an independent data
monitoring committee recommended that the trial could continue with no modifications [1129505]. By
February 2011, enrollment had been completed [1168877]. In April 2011, the company reported that the
trial met its primary endpoint of improving overall survival [1186513]. In June 2011, data were presented at
the European Society of Medical Oncology World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer in Barcelona, Spain.
Combination of aflibercept and FOLFIRI significantly improved overall survival (13.5 versus 12.06 months)
and progression-free survival (6.9 versus 4.67 months); a similar effect was observed whether or not
patients had received prior bevacizumab therapy. Deaths due to adverse events during study treatment
occurred in 2.4% of patients in the aflibercept arm compared with 1.0% of patients in the placebo arm
[1197619], [1305016]. In September 2011, prespecified subgroup analysis data were presented at the
European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress in Stockholm, Sweden. In the aflibercept arm, the median
overall survival was 12.5 and 13.9 months for patients with (n =186) or without prior bevacizumab therapy (n
= 426), respectively compared with 11.7 and 12.4 months, respectively for placebo. The median PFS in
patients with or without bevacizumab prior treatment was 6.7 and 6.9 months, and 3.9 and 5.4 months for
aflibercept and placebo, respectively. A consistent improvement in OS and PFS was observed regardless of
prior treatment with bevacizumab [1222598]. These data were presented at the 48th ASCO meeting in
Chicago, IL in June 2012 [1296528]. Also at the meeting, data were presented from an estimation of mean
overall survival, using patient level data; logistical parameters gave a mean OS benefit of 2.9 months with
aflibercept/FOLFIRI compared with 1.4 months using median survival [1299214]. Also in June 2012, an
analysis of the VELOUR study was presented at the 14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer in
Barcelona, Spain. The mean overall survival was greater for patients receiving aflibercept by approximately
1.4 to 9.8 months, compared with placebo for all subgroups [1304842]. In August 2012, further data were
reported demonstrating an improvement in the overall response rate for aflibercept plus FOLFIRI compared
with FOLFIRI alone (19.8 versus 11.1%, respectively) [1313124]. In October 2012, similar data were
published [1329371], [1329485].
In October 2006, a phase II trial (NCT00407654; PMH-PHL-050) was initiated in patients (expected n = 80)
with CRC in the US. The primary endpoints were objective responses and PFS, and secondary endpoints
included overall survival [785216]. The study was still recruiting in March 2007 [769947]. In October 2007,
data from this study were presented at the 19th AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference in San
Francisco, CA. Follow-up data were available for 50 out of 51 patients. In the bevacizumab-naive group (n =
24), no partial responses were observed but 8 patients had stable disease, with 4 cases lasting over 4
months. In the patient group previously treated with bevacizumab (n = 27), 1 patient had a partial response
and 12 had stable disease (6 cases lasting over 4 months). The most common grade 3 toxicities were
fatigue, hypertension, headache and biochemical changes (hyperglycemia, increased liver enzymes,
cytopenia and proteinuria) [843863]. The study was ongoing in April 2009 [785216].
By December 2011, phase I studies in CRC were underway in Japan [1255386].
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