The Management of
Social Enterprises
Sybille Mertens
Cera Chair, Centre for Social Economy
Montreal, October 2, 2009
Personal story
PhD in Economics
The Satelllite Account of Nonprofit Institutions
NPO as producers
NPS as a relevant different sector
From Macro to Micro
The management of social enterprises - january 2010
S. Mertens (editor), in collaboration with M. Boving, C. Davister, A. Henry,
M.Marée and J. Rijpens
Master Students + Practionners
The current state of knowledge on the management of
Delimitation of the field
Litterature review + focus groups + case studies
The management of social enterprises
Questions and first lessons
Definitions : What are social enterprises ?
Roles : Why do they exist ?
Management : How different is it ?
Social Enterprises
Private (control)
Enterprises (risk, economic activity)
Non-capitalist (not-for-profit, democracy)
Other concepts : Nonprofit, OBNL, Associations, Social Economy Organisations,
Coop, Third Sector Institutions
Corporate Social Responsibility
Other conceptions of Social Enterprises
Commercial activities of NPOs (financial autonomy)
Social innovation / Social Entrepreneurship
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