Télécharger l'article de l'IARC, 2007, sur "Attributables causes of cancer in France in the Year 2000" (pdf, 4,21Mo, nouvelle fenêtre)

Working Group Reports
Volume 3
Published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer,
150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France
© International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007
Distributed by
WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 3264;
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IARC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Attributable causes of cancer in France in the year 2000.
(IARC Working Group Reports ; 3)
1. Neoplasmsetiology 2. Risk Factors 3. France
I. International Agency for Research on Cancer. II. Series
ISBN 978 92 832 2443 4 (NLM Classification: W1)
This report is co-authored by:
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
P. Autier, P. Boffetta, M. Boniol, P. Boyle (Co-Chair), J. Ferlay
The Académie Nationale de Médecine
A. Aurengo, R. Masse, G. de T
The Académie des Sciences
R. Monier, M. Tubiana (Co-Chair), A.J. Valleron
The Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)
C. Hill
In partnership with the Institut National du Cancer (INCa)
L. Borella, D. Maraninchi
Institutions consulted:
Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS)
For the entire report: J. Benichou (Université de Rouen), J. Estève (Hospices Civils de Lyon).
For specific parts of the report: P. Bougnoux (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
[INSERM]) for the sub-section on nutrition, M. Goldberg (INSERM) for the section on occupational exposure, G.
Orth (Institut Pasteur) for the section on infectious agents, H. Rochefort (INSERM) and C. Sureau (Académie
Nationale de Médecine) for the section on hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives, H. Sancho-
Garnier (Université de Montpellier) for the section on ultraviolet light, D. Zmirou-Navier (INSERM) for the sub-
section on air pollution.
For the entire report: J. Peto (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom),
J. Siemiatycki (University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada).
For specific parts of the report: H. zur Hausen (Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums [DKFZ], Heidelberg,
Germany) for the section on infectious agents.
We thank the following persons and institutions for their collaboration in the provision and
interpretation of data: B. Blondel (INSERM), E. Cardis (IARC), D. Costagliola (INSERM), S. Franceschi (IARC),
S. Gandini (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, Italy), E. Imbernon (InVS), E. Jougla (CepiDc-INSERM), G.
Launoy (Registre des Cancers du Calvados), H. Léridon (Institut National Etudes Démographiques [INED]), P.
Mullie (Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium), A. Rannou (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire -
IRSN), L. Toulemon (INED), F. de Vathaire (INSERM), W. Zatonski (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer
Centre, Warsaw, Poland)
Prof. Peter Boyle, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon, France.
Email: director@iarc.fr
Prof. Maurice Tubiana, Académie Nationale de Médecine, 16 rue Bonaparte, 75005 Paris, France.
Email: maurice.tubiana@biomedicale.univ-paris5.fr
Introduction 1
Section A1 Objectives and methodology 1
Section A2 Temporal trends in cancer incidence and mortality in France 9
Risk factors selected for estimate calculations 29
Section B1 Tobacco smoking 29
Section B2 Alcohol drinking 36
Section B3 Infectious agents 42
Section B4 Occupation 47
Section B5 Obesity and overweight 60
Section B6 Physical inactivity 65
Section B7 Hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives 69
Section B8 Ultraviolet light 85
Section B9 Reproductive factors 88
Section B10 Water, air, soil and food pollutants 97
Synthesis of results 103
Section C1 Attributable fractions: summary estimates 103
Section C2 Interactions between cancer risk factors 111
Risk factors for which no estimates were calculated 120
Section D1 Ionizing radiation 120
Section D2 Established risk factors associated with cancer occurrence not relevant for France 130
Section D3 Factors suspected, but not demonstrated, to be associated with cancer in humans 132
Discussion 147
Section E1 Knowledge gaps in causation of cancers: Progress made and further research needs 147
Section E2 General discussion 165
Section E3 Recommendations 171
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Télécharger l'article de l'IARC, 2007, sur "Attributables causes of cancer in France in the Year 2000" (pdf, 4,21Mo, nouvelle fenêtre)

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