Transfer Factor LymPlus™
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Transfer Factor
Transfer Factor LymPlus™
Specific Immune Support
Transfer Factor LymPlus™ provides the physician with a targeted formula developed to
support the body’s immune system. This uniquely formulated transfer factor is derived from
chicken based transfer factor.
As with all targeted transfer factors, it is recommended
the health care professional confirm the patient's
condition with the appropriate lab tests which are
available at a number of commercial labs (i.e.
ImmunoSciences, Beverly Hills, CA) prior to
administering the targeted transfer factor.
Another set of tests a health care professional may
want to consider is the HEMEX Labs (Phoenix, AZ)
hypercoag panel. According to their in-depth research,
many patients blood is so thick that proper
oxygenation of the brain and other tissues is subpar.
Their unique testing diagnoses the problem and
follow-up discussion with the lab often leads to a
protocol for the treating physician to follow.
For more information on the immune system and
transfer factor Click here
Suggested Use
As a dietary supplement, take on an empty stomach at
breakfast or at bedtime or as directed by your health
care professional:
Week 1: 1 capsule per day
Week 2 & beyond: 2 capsules per day
Individual should not eat for at least one hour after
taking the product.
Some individuals may experience flu-like symptoms
when they first take the product. Most physicians
recognize this as a normal reaction of any product
developed to support the immune system. If these
symptoms occur, they generally subside within two
weeks. Sensitive individuals should start with one
capsule per day for the first week; two capsules per
day for the second week and thereafter. If individual
misses a dose, he/she should not double the dose.
Product should be stored in a refrigerator with the lid
tightly closed.
Product Code: CRN114
30 Day Supply
Researched Nutritionals'
products are only available
through health care
professionals. More detailed
information and purchasing is
available on line for health care
professionals who have
registered and signed in: Click
Transfer Factor LymPlus™
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Product Summaries
NT Factor Energy
Transfer Factor
Immune System &
Transfer Factor
Research & Information
Fibromyalgia & Chronic
Fatigue Protocol
Lyme Protocol
Doctor's Guide to
Working with Transfer
Complementary Products:
Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™-Comprehensive immune support formula, promoting healthy
natural killer cells, macrophage, T-cells, and cell division.
NT Factor Energy™-Clinically proven to reduce fatigue by 40% in eight weeks.
Energy Multi-Plex™ -Adrenal Support Formula with 14 researched nutrients.
InflammaQuell™-100% Vegetarian, Buffered Proteolytic Enzyme Formula.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Transfer Factor LymPlus™
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