- Emergency surgery due to bleeding or perforation
- Age > 75 years
- Weight loss ≥ 20% persisting despite nutritional assistance
Primary efficacy endpoint :
Overall survival: the overall survival will be calculated from the date of randomisation
and an event registered on the date of death of any cause. Patients lost to follow up
or those with no death recorded on the day the database is frozen will be censored
on the date of last follow up.
Key secondary endpoints:
- Quality of life (EORTC QLQC30 and STO 22 questionnaires)
- Progression free survival, calculated from randomisation to progression
accord to RECIST or death of any cause
- Surgical related postoperative morbidity: grade III, IV and V complications
according to the Dindo-Clavien classification, captured up to 90 days
- Chemotherapy related toxicities: grade III, IV and V toxicities evaluated by
- Overall cumulative duration of hospitalisation
- Number of interventional palliative procedures per patient
This is a multicentre prospective phase III open-labelled, two-armed, randomized
controlled trial designed to prove superiority of the experimental treatment arm
(surgery plus chemotherapy).
Eligible patients will be randomised in a 1:1 fashion. The main endpoint is overall
From a weighted average of published studies, we expect a 45% 1-year survival rate
in the control group (Mariette Ann Surg Oncol 2013, Mahar Gastric Cancer 2012,
Chen Surg Oncol 2012, Wagner Cochrane 2010, Bouche J Clin Oncol 2004). With an
expected 3-year accrual period, a minimum two-year follow-up period, two-sided type
I error 0.05, and two interim analyses, a total of 376 deaths will provide 80% power to
detect a 10% increase in the 1-year survival rate corresponding to a hazard ratio
equal to 0.75. Two interim analyses are planned after the observation of one-third,
and one-half of the expected number of deaths or at 124 and 188 deaths.
Stratification will be done by minimization according to HER2 status, tumor location,
ASA score, SRC histology, centre.
Approximately 30% of patients will be dropped out after randomization due to distant
peritoneal carcinomatosis at time of surgery (not visible on preoperative work up)
and/or per-operative discovery of multiple metastatic sites.
Based on previous hypotheses, the total number of subjects to be randomized is 424,
212 per arm.
Recruitment: 36 months
Assess of the primary endpoint: 24 months after the last patient included
Overall trial duration: 60 months
At initial screening and before initial chemotherapy administration, patients will
benefit from a standard preoperative work up and eligible patients will be registered.
Biopsies from the primary tumor will be stocked in tumor bank for assessing
predictors of chemotherapy response. Comparison will be based on (i) RECIST
criteria evaluation on CT scan for all patients before randomisation, (ii) histo-
pathological response to chemo in the surgical arm. Additionally the prognostic role
of the biomarkers will be assessed.
All data will be available for being integrated in the national FREGAT clinico-biologic
database, labelled by the INCa.
CHRU Lille (Pr Mariette)
To be completed