Over the last fifteen years there has been an increased emphasis on taking a preventative
approach to reduce the risk of developing different chronic diseases including certain
types of cancers. Between 2020 and 2030 it is expected that cancer will overtake
cardiovascular disease as the number one cause of death in the world. The literature has
shown that some types of cancers and some of the side effects associated with cancer
treatment may be diminished by adopting the following recommendations: 1) leading a
physically active lifestyle; 2) maintaining a healthy weight throughout one’s lifetime; 3)
avoiding the use of tobacco; 4) limiting the use of alcohol. These guidelines have been
around for the past decade and were endorsed at the Montréal 2012 World Cancer
In January 2008 a link was established with the Ville-Marie Medical Centre (VM
Medical) where these preventative approaches could be implemented. A two-year
process was undertaken to create an integrative health and wellness centre at VM
Medical. Tasks included carrying out an in-house survey, defining the mission statement
for the wellness center, designing the layout of the facility and finally, outlining the
services that would be provided to patients. In the Fall of 2009 the VM Medical
Integrative Health and Wellness Centre (WC) opened its doors; however, it would take
another half-year before protocols would be developed and integrated with the medical
team, including how the outcomes measures would be entered in to the electronic
database. After 2 ½ years of work, we were ready to begin the initial data collection
process. The goal was to standardize the evaluation process in regards to body
composition and blood pressure values, implement preventative protocols to address
treatment, and advise women on healthy lifestyle choices. The importance of
standardizing this intake evaluation and integrating it with the patient’s visit to the
physician served to minimize the patient’s stress during the testing process and delivered