Governing Council GC/55/12
Fifty-fifth Session 19/04/2013
Lyon, 16–17 May 2013
1. In accordance with Article VI of the Statute and Resolution GC/51/R17, the term of office
of three members of the Scientific Council, namely Drs Florence Demenais (France),
Richard Gallagher (Canada) and Giulio Superti-Furga (Austria) will be completed with the
2013 meeting of the Governing Council.
2. For the information of the Council, this leaves the following 19 members still serving on
the Scientific Council: Drs Ahti Anttila (Finland), Bettina Borisch (Switzerland), Mads Melbye
(Denmark), Martyn Smith (USA) and Piet van den Brandt (the Netherlands) until 2014;
Drs Paul Dickman (Sweden), Luca Gianni (Italy), Inger Gram (Norway), Murat Gültekin (Turkey),
In-Hoo Kim (Republic of Korea), Deirdre Murray (Ireland), Thangarajan Rajkumar (India),
Sergei Tjulandin (Russian Federation) and Cornelia Ulrich (Germany) until 2015; and
Drs Nuria Aragonés (Spain), James Bishop (Australia), Nicholas Jones (UK), Christos Sotiriou
(Belgium) and Teruhiko Yoshida (Japan) until 2016.
3. In accordance with Article VI.2 of the Agency’s Statute, the Governing Council is requested
to select new members to be appointed to the Scientific Council from the attached list of
experts, one each from Austria, Canada and France.
Curricula vitae
are attached*.
curricula vitae
will be distributed to Governing Council members only.