17h15-17h30 Virginie Hubert (Medical University of Vienna, Autriche)
LAMP-2 is required to incorporate syntaxin 17 into the
autophagosome and mediate their fusion
17h30-17h45 Ghita Ghislat (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research,UK)
Annexins: new regulators of autophagic trafficking under starvation
17h45-18h00 Flash Talks Session I:
Session Chair : Sophie Pattingre (Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie
de Montpellier)
-!Florian Beaumatin (Beatson institute for cancer research, Glasgow,
mTOR requires DRAM1 to sense amino acids
-!Ana Maria Negulescu (Centre Léon Bérard - Centre de recherche en
cancérologie, Lyon)
Kremen-1 receptor functions as a putative tumor suppressor in breast
cancer by inducing autophagic cell death in absence of its ligand
-!Mouradi El Hout (Institut Necker-Enfants Malades, Université Paris V -
Paris Descartes, Paris)
Role of AUTOPHAGY in CANCER STEM CELLS: From cytoprotection to
metabolic reprogramming
-!Clément Mazouffre (Laboratoire Homéostasie Cellulaire et
Pathologies, Université de Limoges)
Survival in colorectal cancer: collaboration between BDNF/TrkB and
autophagy pathways
18h00-21h00 Welcome cocktail and Poster Session I
Thursday October 13th
09h00-10h15 Session II : PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Session Chairs : Benjamin Dehay (Institut des Maladies
Neurodégénératives CNRS UMR 5293 – Université de Bordeaux) ; Iban
Seiliez (UMR1419 INRA-UPPA NuMeA, St Pée sur Nivelle)
09h00-09h15 Carole Kretz-Remy (Institut NeuroMyoGène, Université Claude
Bernard- Lyon I, Villeurbanne)
NFKB is a master regulator of protein quality control in response to
protein aggregation stresses via autophagy modulation
09h15-09h30 Nicolas Charlet-Berguerand (Institut de Génétique et de Biologie
Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Université de Strasbourg)
The C9ORF72/ SMCR8 complex is a GDP/GTP exchange factor for
Rab GTPases and regulates autophagy