3-MA : 3-methyladénine
ABP : aminobisphosphonate
Ac : anticorps
ACE : antigène carcinoembryonnaire
ADAM17 : A disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 17
ADCC : antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity
ADN : acide desoxyribonucléique
Ag : antigène
AICD : activation inducing cell death
AIF : apoptosis inducing factor
AJ : adherens junction
AMPc : adénosine monophosphate cyclique
APC : antigen-presenting cell
Apo-A1: apolipoprotéine A1
ARN : acide ribonucléique
AS : adenosine triphosphate
ATG : autophagy related protein
ATL : adult T-cell leukemia
BrHPP : bromohydrine pyrophosphate
BTN : butyrophyline
CMH : complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité
CRTAM : Class-I restricted T cell associated molecule
DAMP : danger-associated molecular pattern
DC : dendritic cell
DCC : deleted in colorectal cancer
DECT : dendritic epidermal cell T
DIABLO: direct IAP binding protein with low pI
DISC : death-inducing signaling complex
DMAPP : diméthylallyl pyrophosphate
DN : double negative
DNAM-1 : DNAX accessory molecule-1
DP : double positif
EPCR : endothelial protein C receptor
EGFR : epidermal growth factor receptor
FADD : Fas-associated protein with death domain
Fc : fragment cristalisable
FH : follicular helper
FLIP : FLICE-inhibitory protein
FPPS : farnésyl pyrophosphate
GFP : green fluorescent protein
HIV-1 : human immunodeficient virus 1
HLA : human leukocyte antigen