ACA : acrodermatite chronique atrophiante
ADN : acide désoxyribonucléique
ARN : acide ribonucléique
BCR : B cell receptor
Bgp : Borrelia gag binding protein
Bip : B-cell inhibitory protein
Bmp : Borrelia membrane protein
BSK : Barbou – Stoenner – Kelly
CD : cluster de différenciation
CFHRs : complement factor H-related proteins
CLA : cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen
CMH : complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité
CPA : cellule présentatrice d’antigène
CRASP : complement regulator-acquiring surface protein
CSF : colony stimulating factor
Dbp : decorin binding protein
DC-SIGN : dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-
3-grabbing non-integrin
ELAM-1 : endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule 1
Erp : OspE-F related lipoprotein
FGF : fibroblast growth factor
Fnbp : fibronectin binding protein
GAG : glycosaminoglycane
GM-CSF : granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor
hBD : human β-defensin
ICAM-1 : intercellular adhesion molecule 1
IFN : interféron
IL : interleukine
Irac : Ixodes ricinus salivary anticomplement protein
IRIS : Ixodes ricinus immunosuppressor
Ir-LBP : Ixodes ricinus leukotriene B4-binding protein
IRS-2 : Ixodes ricinus serpin-2
Isac : Ixodes scapularis salivary anticomplement protein
KGF : keratinocyte growth factor
LFA-1 : lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1
LIPER : lipocalin from Ixodes persulcatus
LIR : lipocalin from Ixodes ricinus
LPS : lipopolysaccharide
MCP-1 : monocyte chemoattractant protein 1
MFAP : microfibril-associated glycoprotein
MMP : matrix metalloprotease
MSCRAMMs : microbial surface components recognising
adhesive matrix molecules
Msp : major surface protein
MyD88 : myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88
NK : natural killer cell
NKT : natural killer T lymphocyte
NLR : nucleotide-binding domain and leucine- rich repeat-
containing molecule
NOD : nucleotide oligomerization domain
Oms66 : outer membrane-spanning 66-kDa protein
Osp : outer surface protein
PAI : plasminogen activator inhibitor
PAMPs : pathogen associated molecular patterns
PBMCs : peripheral blood mononuclear cells
PBS : phosphate buffered saline
PCR : polymerase chain reaction
PRR : pattern recognition receptor
RFLP : restriction length fragment polymorphism
RST : ribosomal spacer type
Salp : salivary protein
Serpin : serin protease inhibitor
Sfbp : streptococcal fibronectin binding protein
STARI : southern tick-associated rash illness
TBE virus : tick-borne encephalitis virus
TGF : transforming growth factor
TIMP : tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases
TLR : Toll-like receptor
TNF : tumor necrosis factor
tPA : tissue-type plasminogen activator
Tpr : Treponema pallidum repeat
TROSPA : tick receptor for OspA
uPA : urokinase-type plasminogen activator
VEGF : vascular endothelial growth factor
VlseE : VMP (vesicular membrane protein)-like sequence E