Chapitre_5_files/C5 - lessons

Chapter 5
Lesson 1
Has he got blue eyes?
Yes, he has. He has got blue eyes.
Have they got black shoes?
No they haven’t. They haven’t got black
s hoe s .
Is she resourceful?
Yes, she is. She is resourceful.
Are they daredevils?
No, they are not. They are
Le verbe [have] correspond au verbe avoir
en français. On l’utilise comme en français.
Le verbe [be] correspond au verbe être en
français. On l’utilise comme en français.
Exceptions: pour l’âge, dire qu’on a faim,
s o i f.
Chapter 5
Lesson 2
I think I’m hallucinating. Is there a flying
saucer in the sky?
Yes, there is. There’s a flying saucer in
the sky. I must be hallucinating too.
Are there green aliens on the road?
No, there are not. There aren’t green
aliens on the road.
What a relief!
But there are grey aliens on the road.
And they’ve got laser guns. Run!
Pour situer quelque chose dans l’espace,
c’est-à-dire pour dire « il y a », on utilise
there is (singulier) ou there are (pluriel).
Pour demander s’il y a quelque chose:
Is there a …? (singulier)
Are there …? (pluriel)
Pour dire qu’il n’y a pas de …:
There isn’t a … / There is no … (singulier)
There aren’t … / There are no … (pluriel)
Chapter 5
Lesson 2 (part 2)
I was walking home when I heard a noise
coming from the field. I got closer and saw
something incredible.
Was there a UFO?
Yes, there was. There was a UFO. And
there were grey aliens too.
Were there men dressed in black?
No, there weren’t men dressed in black.
But there were crop circles in the field on
the following day.
Pour dire « il y avait », on utilise there was
(singulier) ou there were (pluriel).
Pour demander s’il y a quelque chose:
Was there a …? (singulier)
Were there …? (pluriel)
Pour dire qu’il n’y a pas de …:
There wasn’t a … / There was no … (singulier)
There weren’t … / There were no … (pluriel)
Chapter 5
Lesson 3
Was Eric’s heart eaten?
We think so. It was brutally ripped off
and it was probably eaten by a werewolf.
Were Fiona and Lauren attacked by a
z o m b ie ?
No, they weren’t. They were not
attacked by a zombie. Two little marks
were found on their necks. We assume
they were attacked by a vampire.
Le sujet du verbe ne fait pas l’action, il la
subit. Celui qui fait l’action est introduit par
[BY]. Il n’est pas toujours mentionné.
On utilise BE (passé) + participe passé
(régulier ou irrégulier) pour construire la
voix passive et parler de ce qui a été fait
p a r q q n /q q c h .
Rappel: il y a 2 conjugaisons du verbe être au
I / he / she / it  was
we / you / they  were
Chapter 5
Lesson 4
Adjectifs possessifs
I (je)
you (tu)
he (il)
she (elle)
it (il, elle)
we (nous)
you (vous)
they (ils, elles)
my (mon, ma, mes)
your (ton, ta, tes)
his (son, sa, ses)
her (son, sa, ses)
its (son, sa, ses)
our (notre, nos)
your (votre, vos)
their (leur, leurs)
Pronoms possessifs
I (je)
you (tu)
he (il)
she (elle)
it (il, elle)
we (nous)
you (vous)
they (ils, elles)
mine (à moi)
yours (à toi)
his (à lui)
hers (à elle)
its (à lui, elle)
ours (à nous)
yours (à vous)
theirs (à eux)
Chapter 5
Lesson 4
Pronoms compléments
I (je)
you (tu)
he (il)
she (elle)
it (il, elle)
we (nous)
you (vous)
they (ils, elles)
me (moi)
you (toi)
him (lui)
her (elle)
its (ça)
us (nous)
you (vous)
them (eux)
Les pronoms possessifs et les pronoms
c o m p l é m e n ts s ’ u ti l i s e n t d a n s u n c o n te x te
Ils permettent d’éviter les répétitions.
Chapter 5
Lesson 5
What does the MIB boss want from Sarah?
Does he want her to track down the aliens?
No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t want her to
track down the aliens. He wants her to find
the alien spaceship and hide it.
Why are the people angry at the MIB
agents? Do they want them to kill aliens?
No, they don’t. They don’t want them to
kill aliens. They want them to stop erasing
people’s memories.
want somebody to + BV permet de parler
de ce que qqn veut que qqn d’autre fasse.
Dans la 2° partie de la structure, le verbe
n’est pas conjugué en anglais. En français
le verbe est au subjonctif.
[somebody] peut être remplacé par un nom
ou un pronom complément (voir leçon 4).
Attention à ne pas oublier la préposition
TO avant la base verbale.
Chapter 5
Lesson 5 (part 2)
It’s been a rough couple of weeks for MIB
agents but would they like their boss to be
a b d u c te d b y a l i e n s ?
No, they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t like
th e i r b o s s to b e a b d u c te d b y a l i e n s . T h e y
would like him to stop yelling at them.
Would agent J. like aliens to go to another
planet for their holidays?
Yes, he would. He would like them to go
to another planet for their holidays.
sujet + would like somebody to + BV
permet de parler de ce que qqn voudrait
que qqn d’autre fasse.
[somebody] peut être remplacé par un nom
ou un pronom complément (voir leçon 4).
Attention à l’ordre des mots avec would
lik e .
Veillez à ne pas oublier la préposition TO
avant la base verbale.