Français 9 avec Madame George : Faisons Des Recherches!!! Nom_____________________________classe ______
Critères /Indicateurs de rendement ciblés
Choose 3 historic events from the list provided and write a short description of the event with at least 2 details ( written in the Past Tense using Passé
Composé with Avoir ou Être, the date and place ( No google translate or translators). Then, pick 2 historical events (any time before 1990) of your choice
and do the same.
L’evénement: Le << Marathon de l’espoir>> Terry Fox
La Date: 1980
Lieu : Les provinces Canadiens
Des détails importants : Terry Fox a courru 5, 373 kilometres. Il a amassé 24 millions de dollars pour la recherche sur le cancer. Il est Canadien.
Le << Marathon de l’espoir>> Terry
Terry Fox a courru 5, 373
Il a amassé 24 millions de dollars
pour la recherche sur le cancer
____1.4 ask for, give information
____1.7 tell about an event
____1.17 find information
____1.18 clarify and check own learning
____1.19 choose pertinent information
____1.21 identify the main ideas of a text
____1.27 produce texts : expressive, informational, instructional, amusing, poetic
____1.28 revise and correct own text
____2.16 demonstrate an interest in using the French language
____3.2 use partial sentences, repetition, paraphrasing and circumlocution
____3.4 plan and organize own work by referring to own learning experiences(duo-tang notes, previous assignments) : prepare reminder notes, adapt
message to suit context, plan written production
____4.3 describe and compare, using the present, past and near future verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, comparative and superlative, and connector words
____4.5 produce a variety of texts, using the present, near future, past verb tenses, interrogative and negation, connector words such as then, and, but, in
addition to produce a coherent and cohesive text