Teaching experience
Ph.D students: 10 trained students
Member of Ph.D defense panels in France (25), in the UK (2) and in Spain (1)
Teaching areas: Public economics, History of economic thought, Industrial economics, Labour economics,
Microeconomics, Health economics
Health economics teaching in Master programmes: "Méthodes d'Analyse des Systèmes de Santé", University of Lyon I,
(1986 – 2001); University of Paris IX Dauphine, (1993-1999); “ Économie Mathématique et Économétrie ”, University of
Paris II, (1995-1999); "Économie et gestion des systèmes de santé", University of Paris I, (1995-1999); ENSAI, Rennes (1996
-) ; Master of Public Economics, GREQAM (2001- 2008) ; Master of Public Affairs, Sc. Po Paris (2006 - 2009), Master ETE,
Paris School of Economics (2010 - ); ENSAE/Sc. PO (2010 - ).
Past professional experience
Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS)
09/01/06 – 09/01/14:
Member of the Board of Directors of HAS, by appointment of the President of the Senate, in secondment from the
Aix-Marseille University. Chair of the ‘Economics and Public Health Evaluation Committee (Commission d’Evaluation
Economique et de Santé Publique - CEESP). Beyond general responsibilities, as a full-time member of the Board, the
main remit involved setting up the economic evaluation of healthcare technologies at HAS for pricing and
reimbursement decisions and the development of HAS’ international strategy. It also involved encouraging research
development in partnership between HAS and the academic community, in areas such as methods for Health
Technology Assessments, payment for performance for hospitals and health care professionals, patient
responsibility, the reward of innovation in drugs and medical devices through pricing and reimbursement policies
and task delegation and transfers between health care professionals.
University of Aix-Marseille II
01/09/99 – 31/12/05:
Full professor at the economics department, university of Aix-Marseille II
Head of the Master in Public Economics, (October 2003 - January 2006) and previously head of the DEA
‘Economie publique’, jointly with Didier Laussel, (September 2001 – September 2003).
Director of IDEP (Institut d’Economie Publique) jointly with Thierry Paul, January 2001 to January 2003
The institute was created by Louis-André Gérard Varet in 1997 to build a bridge between researchers in public
economics (education, housing, labour, health, environment) and public decision-makers. It was designed as a
network of researchers in France and abroad. Its main activities were to organise both national and international
scientific events in the different sectors and to carry out applied research in these domains.
University of Western Brittany
01/09/94 – 31/08/99:
Full professor at the economics department, University of Western Brittany, Brest
Head of a new research group set up in 1995 in applied microeconomics: ICI (Information - Coordination – Incitations) in
collaboration with the French National School for Telecommunications in Brittany.
Creation of a new master course in maritime economics
University of Paris-IX Dauphine
15/10/93 – 10/10/94:
Lecturer in the economics department, University of Paris-IX Dauphine, in charge of the main health economics
course in the Health Economics Master programme