Ecole Doctorale Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées
Université Côte d'Azur
UFR Sciences
l'ESO et à l'Université d'Uppsala.
Description of the thesis
Most of the low and intermediate mass stars end their lives at the end of the Asymptotic
Giant Branch (AGB) phase. During this phase, pulsation and radiation pressure on dust
leads to a phase of strong mass loss, during which gas and dust enriched by the products
of the star nucleosynthesis will be ejected. This mass loss is thus crucial for the chemical
enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM) and therefore for the chemical evolution of
our Galaxy.
An important aspect of the mass-loss process is its geometry, i.e. the density distribution
and the kinematics of the photosphere and the circumstellar envelope of the AGB stars at
different scales and different evolutionary phases. For a better understanding of the
mass-loss history, it is crucial to probe the stellar atmospheres at different spatial scales:
from very deep inside the star up to the interface with the ISM.
High spatial resolution techniques are unique in this context to study the AGB dynamics.
In particular, the MATISSE instrument ( will be crucial to
study the dynamics and dust formation in AGB stars. As the LAGRANGE laboratory is part
of the MATISSE consortium, we have access to guaranteed time for observing AGB stars
as well to all the specific support for the data reduction. These observations will be carried
out at the beginning of
MATISSE operations in 2018. The aim is to reconstruct monochromatic images together
with the interferometric observables. The interpretation of the data will be done using
hydrodynamical models (either in 1D and 3D) in terms of intensity contrast, morphology
distribution and temporal variation.
Recent developments have brought a new generation of AGB simulations (paper:, movies: and the first comparison with
spectro-interferometric observations has been carried out (Wittkowski, M., A. Chiavassa,
Freytag, B, A&A, and provide the first support to the
presence of shocks in AGBs atmospheres induced by convective motions.
The PhD project is characterised by the use of the latest state-of-the-art numerical
simulations, to develop new numerical tools including more adapted physics, and a unique
set of observational material to improve our understanding and description of AGB stars.
In addition to this, the student will be encouraged to prepare proposals to different
VeryLargeTelescope-Interferometer), this to increase the number of variate information to
constrain the models. This synergy between modelling and observation will be a unique
tool in the stellar community that will strongly help to have a full view on the complicated
AGB dynamics from the inner part of the photosphere to the outer envelope layers.
The PhD thesis will take place at the laboratory Lagrange (Observatory of Nice, France)
with strong interaction with Bernd Freytag (Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Uppsala University, Sweden) and Markus Wittkowski (European Southern Observatory,
ESO, Munich, Germany). The project includes the possibility to spend several long visits at
ESO/Garching and Uppsala University.