II ( 20 points )
a) (4pts) Relevez dans les paragraphes 5 et 6 QUATRE groupes
verbaux noyaux de proposition et ayant des structures différentes
(un changement de temps n'est pas un changement de structure).
Ne donnez qu'un groupe verbal par structure. N'écrivez que le
groupe verbal noyau (ni sujet, ni complément(s)...). Tout élément
non verbal entraînera la nullité de la réponse.
J'ai surligné tous les groupes verbaux noyaux de proposition.
Mais il ne fallait relever qu'un seul exemple par structure.
Si, par exemple, vous aviez écrit "is contitioned", vous ne pouviez
plus écrire "is given" qui a la même structure.
5. The reinforcement gives you a means of control over the
behavior of the animal. It rests on the simple principle that
whenever something reinforces a particular activity of an organism,
it increases the chances that the organism will repeat that
behavior. This makes it possible to shape an animal's behavior
almost as a sculptor shapes a lump of clay. There is of course
nothing new in this principle. What is new is a better understanding
of the conditions under which reinforcement works best.
6. To be effective a reinforcement must be given almost
simultaneously with the desired behavior; a delay of even one
second destroys much of the effect. This means that the offer of
food in the usual way is likely to be ineffective; it is not fast
enough. The best way to reinforce the behavior with the necessary
speed is to use a "conditioned" reinforcer. This is a signal which the
animal is conditioned to associate with food. The animal is always
given food immediately after the signal, and the signal itself then
becomes the reinforcer. The better the association between the two
events, the better the result.
Couleurs associées aux structures :
1° Verbe
2° Modal + Verbe
3° Modal + BE>>Participe passé (passif) + Verbe
4° BE>>Participe passé (passif) + Verbe