Signe astrologique en anglais
Français => Anglais
Balance => Libra
Bélier => Aries
Cancer => Cancer
Capricorne => Capricorn
Gémeaux => Gemini
Lion => Leo
Poissons => Pisces
Scorpion => Scorpio
Sagittaire => Sagittarius
Taureau => Taurus
Verseau => Aquarius
Vierge => Virgo
Je suis Capricorne => I am Capricorn
Je suis né sous le signe du Cancer => I was born under
the sign of Cancer
l’horoscope => the horoscope
Que dit l’horoscope pour les Taureaux ? => What does
the horoscope say for Taurus?
le zodiaque => the zodiac
l’astrologie => astrology
astrologique => astrological
un astrologue => an astrologer
une prédiction => a prediction / forecasting / foretelling
le signe astrologique => the astrological sign
Le zodiac chinois (chinese zodiac)
boeuf => ox
bouc => goat
cheval => horse
chien => dog
cochon => pig
coq => rooster
dragon => dragon
lapin => rabbit
rat => rat
serpent => snake
singe => monkey
tigre => tiger
Caractère et personnalité (traits and personality)
caractère positif (positive traits)
gentil => kind
fiable => reliable
fidèle => loyal
franc => frank
avoir bon caractère => to be good-natured
facile d’accès => easy to get on
sincère => sincere
bienfaisance => charitable
aventureux => adventurous
entreprenant(e) => enterprising
ordonné, soigné => tidy
calme => calm
une intelligence vive => a keen intelligence
un sentiment de la beauté => a feeling for beauty
sage => wise
aimable => helpful
amicale => friendly
esprit curieux => inquiring mind
déterminée => determined
confiante => self-confident
courageux(se) => courageous
idéaliste => idealistic
raisonnable => reasonable
casanier => home-loving
habile => skillful
humoristique => humorous
persuasif(ve) => persuasive
indéfectible => steadfast
énergique => energetic
persévérante => persevering
sérieux => serious
taciturne => taciturn
rusé => shrewd
force de volonté => strength of will
sensibles => sensitive
placide => placid
gaie => cheerful
chaleureux => warm-hearted
caractère négatif (negative traits)
cœur dur => hard-hearted
obstinée => obstinate
pessimiste => pessimistic
furieux => furious